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The tale of the toy box


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I thought I would share what Finch does with her toy box. Iti's quite funny and sometimes it's more fun to watch this than it is the tv!


Hmmmm....Mommy and Daddy won't play with me....Scout is sleeping....wonder if there's anything in here to play with??


I found something!!


It's my favorite toy....my frisbe!!


Boy, I'm worn out!


Scout: "Mommy, what is Finch doing in there?".


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That is so funny. Our toybox has a hinged lid, but Brody still manages to open it and grab a toy. He keeps opening it and grabbing toys until he gets the one he wants. The Cairns are too funnny!

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Guest rottndobie

Oh, I love those pictures.. Quite a story you told <vbg>

I've never kept my guy's toys in anything - just on the floor. I wonder if they would be smart enough to get them if I did use a toy box..lol.

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Guest girliejr

That would be more fun than the TV! That is so cute and I love Scout looking at Finch like "what in the world could be worth that much work?"....so cute!!

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So cute and I'm certain you stay entertained! I think Darcy would just attack and chew on the box. Thanks for sharing!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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How cute!!! I bought Savannah a basket to keep her toys in but she chewed the basket up. :devil: I will have to try a rubbermaid container! Thanks for the idea!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Bosco chewed up 2 corners of his "toy box" aka a plastic Sweater Box. I am hoping he wont injure himself on the corners, but so far things are okay. **fingers crossed**

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Finch is just precious!! I like the one of her butt stickin' out!!

So, tell me, how does Scout get the toys out??


Cathy and Piper

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Cathy, Scout isn't "into" her toys as much as Finch is. She jumps in and grabs toys when she wants, but Finch uses the toy box much more!

Brad, yes, Finch is REALLY INTO HER TOYS! LOL! She wants to play 24/7 and actually plays with the toys. Scout's goal is to tear out the sqeaker, but Finch actually PLAYS with the toys. She loves all her toys and she alternates her "favorites".....but the frisbee will ALWAYS be her most favorite. :) She is such a funny little dog!

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I love to see Finch with that frisbee. Tink plays with her toys for a few minutes each day, but that's it. Guess she is going to be like her human parents, a couch potato!



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