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I am curious to see what your puppies looked like when you got them and what they look like now. I read that they change color frequently and i was curious to see the change!

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Savannah as a baby:


Savannah a few days ago:


She looks blonde but her hair was turning grey and now it is turning red. I can vouch that they change colors often!

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Teona as a baby


Teona now


I don't have any baby pics of Tabby on the computer, but she has a very dark face as a baby with a dark back. Now she is solid wheaten


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Scout was all black when we adopted her at 10 weeks.


Here she is today. She started turning into a grey brindle at about 1 years old and at 2 years of age she started getting alot of red in her coat. Now it's hard for other people to tell them apart.


Here is Finch when she was 8 weeks old


And here she is today at 1.5 years old


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My CD with the photos of Scully the day we brought her home is in a cabinet I can't get to right now. The below picture was taken by the breeder - at about 6 weeks of age. She's the one staring into the camera on the left.


This was Scully in the spring


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Here is Brody when he was 4 months old. He had a lot more red in his coat.


Here he is a few days ago (he's on the right). Mia has not changed color at all.


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Piper as a baby:


Piper now:


Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

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It's been so fun seeing all of your babies all grown up! So neat to see their color changes over time. Such a fun and unique breed!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Piper as a baby:


Piper now:



Piper as a baby.....


Piper this spring...




wow now thats a color chage! must be something about the name piper..haha

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Yeah, two Piper's here :).

My little guy looks like he doesn't have near the red in his coat. He is very blonde!!

I'll have to hunt thru some baby pics again to see if I can find one that shows more of his side rather than face.


Cathy and Piper

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Here is Angus a few days after we got him (mostly black)


In July...


And a week ago (we're calling him Red Beard the Pirate)


He's hard to get a good picture of b/c of his coloring. Your pictures are all great!

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