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I am new and want a Cairn!


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Hello! my name is Maegan and i wanted to get a Cairn so my Doxie will have someone to play with and a dog i can call my own (the Doxie is my bf's). Anyway, is there anything i should know before getting one? Do they like swimming? Are their coats wire like? they look like they have a rough coat. I am trying to read up all i can about them! Any info would be great! Thanks! :D

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Hello Jeep and welcome to the forum.

This is a great place for information. I, myself am researching the breed. I started by going to local dog shows. I was able to meet the dogs up close and a chance to talk to breeders directly. I can also recommend a book by Christine Carter, titled The Cairn Terrier, it contains a wealth of information. Good luck on your search.


There is no faith which has never yet been broken except that of a truly faithful dog. -- Konard Lorenz
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