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I learned to climb the stairs


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Cutie!!!! I love the action shot going up the stairs of her little butt.

The thing I hate most about Darcy & stairs is that she'll either go ripping down them and clears the way for me to walk down them, or will go down step by step and chill out for a bit on certain steps... just to be in my way... usually with laundry basket in hand.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Guest Liz, Fiona's Mom

The day Fiona learned to climb stairs I knew I'd be chasing her constantly--and I am. If only she could learn to come down! Instead I hear a constant bark untiL I go retriever her... :devil:

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We have a bit of a problem with stairs in our townhouse...the stairs up to the seconf floor and the stairs down to the basement. We have to barricade the ones to the upstairs, b/c Sam will rip up the steps and wreak havoc on our clothes. But he won't dare try to go down the stairs in the basement...they're wooden, so I guess he just doesn't like the feel of them. So we at least don't have to trip up on him on those stairs :) He'll sit at the top of them and look UTTERLY ADORABLE laying down with his paws hanging over the top stair, until we get back up them, then proceed to get underneath our feet.

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Guest Darcy's Mom

They grow up too fast. Next thing you know, you'll be asking yourself, now where is that puppy we brought home. Those pics are so cute. Especially the one where she's looking like Uh, would someone please come and get me down.

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Too sweet. I'm glad to know it's not just my dogs that get bambuzled by the smallest things!

Proud Mama of Zephyr and Cleo--adopted into the family Feb. 2005 from the local SPCA.


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You found such an adorable gem in Sugar. She is so adorable and to me, she looks just like a little lady.

The butt picture is adorable. Scully had no problem learning how to go up the steps but we actually had to teach her to come down. I can truly relate to the "let me get in your way on the steps, Mom" while I have the laundry basket in my hand. Either that or lugging a bunch of grocery bags.

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I remember having to carry Scout up and down the steps until she could figure it out! Finch would go up the stairs easily, but whine for me to come get her when she wanted to come down.

Cute, cute pictures....especially the butt up in the air!

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ummm...that is Madison's behind :ermm::ermm:

But I do think she looks a lot like Sugar!

Ok...it is official...there are way too many cute

doggies to keep track!!! LOL

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I'm so confused!! I had to leave the post to figure out which end of which dog was running up the stairs. I got it now, it is Maddie, sister to Grillie who learned to climb the stairs. Sugar, sister of Rebel, may or may not know how to climb the stairs! They are all just too cute! Mia, the adventurer climbed up and down stairs from day one. Brody went up no problem, but he would not come down more than a few steps until we was 6 or 7 months old (and even then it was just because the trainer taught him after she caught me carrying him down the REALLY long flight of stairs at her place after class!)

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