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Taking your Up-Right for a walk

Guest Eli

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1. Act like you really have to go, NOW, then when they get the leash, run around all goofy so they have to chase you. Then sit and be leashed.

2. Once you get outside, take your sweet time actually, uh, "going."

3. Every stick, leaf, and acorn is worthy of your personal inspection. Carry the choice ones until you find a better one.

4. Make a beeline for any other up-rights who might be outside. You are so cute that everyone wants to admire you.

5. Bark at any noise or general change in the neighborhood, real or imaginary.

6. Check your "pee-mail" and add your reply. But save some pee for later. You might need it.

8. Even tho you only weigh 15 pounds or so, if you catch them off-guard you might be able to lunge and escape.

9. Near the end of the walk, discreetly select a small stick or leaf to smuggle into the house for later consumption.

10. Repeat all of the above as often as necessary.



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Dear Eli,

I think you forgot to add something in #4. "Lick all little up-rights all over the face".

Love, Darcy

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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11. Bark at every upright that happens to be using that Lawn Mower thingy.

12. Try to walk up every drive way where another dog lives so that you can go say hi.



We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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