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I've posted several times about how Mia eats every morsel of food we provide, plus all she can steal from Brody. Well she visited the vet today and weights 16 pounds! We knew she was a little chubby, but Brody weighs 16 pounds and is at least 1 1/2 inches taller. He does watch his figure more than the rest of the family, but I think I'm going to have to put poor Mia on a diet!

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Piper was 19.2 pounds before he got so sick a few weeks ago. When we went back to the vet, he was down to 18 pounds.

I am sure he is now even less than that.....he has been so depressed since we lost Toto and is not eating much :(.

We also thought Piper was overweight but our vet said he looked great! Maybe a smidge over but nothing to worry about yet. I would ask your vet before you start her on a diet. She might just be a big girl!!


Cathy and Piper

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As much as I'd like to think that Mia is a big girl, the truth is she isn't! She is pretty average, maybe even a little small. She has always been chubby, but the vet said not to worry about it as she was a puppy. She was with another family for a few months before we got her and they were feeding her 2 cups of puppy food a day! I'm not terribly worried about it since it is only a pound or two, but I'm going to start watching it. No more sneaking into Brody's food for a bite or two!

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My Rebel is a large Cairn and he weighs in at 21.5 but he is not overweight. Vet says he is very healthy.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Savannah feels small... She is 14 pounds at 9 months old (next week) and the vet seems to think she is about done growing since she has stayed at 14 pounds for the past 2 months.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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My pup has weighed between 13 - 14 pounds for several months now; he turns 2 years old next week. He doesnt seem skinny, and has a healthy appetite, so I guess he is just petit?

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I thought Scout was heavy at 15 pounds! The vet doesn't seem to think she is overweight, and she is taller than Finch, who weighs between 13 and 14 pounds. I would just go by what your vet thinks....if you can feel their ribs and they have a waist...is this right??

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This is Brody, he is 16 pounds and is almost too skinny. You can really see his waist. I'm still searching for a picture that shows Mia's figure!


Edited to resize the photo and too add, I'm going crazy with pictures today, but since I'm in Photobucket....

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I think Bosco is just a gangly teenager. :) He has thin-ish limbs, and you can see his waist, but he does eat (and always always wants to eat more!) but just doesn't go above the 13.5 pound mark.

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