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Skeeter's 1st b-day


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Well, today is Skeeter's first birthday. I am such a proud mama! Dh and I were planning a b-day party for a while but since Skeeter's b-day was on a Wednesday we decided to do the party last Saturday. It was amazing! Six dogs and over 2 dozen of people were in our house. Skeeter had a blast. Since we don't have any fencing, and I wanted the dogs to run un-leashed, my dh made a temporary fence from the plastic mesh fence that is used in construction areas. It worked pretty well. None of the dogs escaped and they had enough space to run freely. I will try to post some pics here but be patient as this is the 1st time I will attempt to post a pic. I was always too afraid to use this technology.


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I ordered the cake at a doggie bakery here in Florida. When I asked the lady a/b the ingredients she said she uses human products like wheat (Skeeter has not been allergic to wheat so I wasn't concerned) & banana pudding. And for the icing peanut butter & cream cheese. I had to use a very thick and sharp knife to cut it as it was hard as a rock but I can assure you every dog had a piece and loved it.


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Skeeter looks like a kid ready to stick a finger (uh, paw) in the cake. How cute! And that cake sounds good...my mouth watered hearing the ingredients. hHappy B-Day , Skeeter.

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Happy Birthday Skeeter! Fun name! We LOVE the picture. He looks like he is about ready to take off and slam that sweet, furry face of his into the cake. Neat looking cake too!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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