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Come see our new playpen!


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We have been wanting to enclose our backyard deck for some time now. It's a large deck and has three sets of steps that the dogs can escape from. Well....it's finally (almost) finished! We tried to find gates for the deck steps, but couldn't find them anywhere, so DH made them for me!!! He used parts of regular decking and cut it to fit the deck. They all pull in to open. Two are regular gates and one is double. We still need to put the caps on the gates and wheels on the bottom of the gates.

We don't have a fenced in yard and this allows the dogs to be outside with us when we eat/sit outside. It also keeps them safe when we have people over and company is going in and out of the back door.

What do you think?



I'll post a picture when they are finished....I'm soooo excited!

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That's really nice, we've blocked off our front porch 40x8 and the girls love it. We have to make it a little prettier and more permanent, but it works for now.

Nice job.

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It looks great,I always think how beautiful your grounds look in photos,we have been renovating forever, I know how excited you must be.

I love the colour of your dog, it looks the same as Rebel but grown up, I hope he looks like that.

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Looks really nice! Isn't is simply amazing how many home improvements we make to accomidate our little fuzzballs?!?!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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That is very clever. I am sure that the furbabies are going to love it too! Brownie points for the DH!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Thanks, everyone! DH worked really hard putting these gates up! We just have to put the wheels on the bottom (for support) and the latches on. We used our hot tub last night and it was wonderful having the pups on the deck with us knowing that they couldn't run off and chase a squirrel!

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