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Cute clown!, I think I missed my opportunity to get a doggie costumes. I went to Jo-Ann, but they were sold out of the smaller sizes. On the upside, all the halloween items were 50% off. I got the scarecrows for $5/each.

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Fun pics! Great looking Cairns!

Brody'smom... Thanks for the info on the Halloween stuff at Joann. I'll have to go take a peek today.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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AHH!! The dog on the right looks exactly like my little Cleo! How fantastic! This whole time we kind of thought Cleo might not be prodominatly Cairn...but I guess so! Such a cute shot!

Proud Mama of Zephyr and Cleo--adopted into the family Feb. 2005 from the local SPCA.


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Well, my two were NOT happy about taking pictures this morning! They stood still, didn't move, but had frowns on their faces the whole time! I even promised walks, cookies...you name it....lol!


Finch (1.5 yrs) on the left and Scout (3yrs) on the right....don't they look sad????





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AHH!! The dog on the right looks exactly like my little Cleo! How fantastic! This whole time we kind of thought Cleo might not be prodominatly Cairn...but I guess so! Such a cute shot!


I think it is Cleo! You stole our dog! :D J/K (I'm Cleo's Dad)

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LOL LOL, Scout and Finch are looking like, "You have got to be kidding me with this." What great pictures! I have noticed the same thing with Savannah, when I am trying to take a picture of her doing something that she doesn't want to do, she NEVER looks like she is happy like in some of her other pictures. :devil:

Here is princess Savannah (before I cut the hair around her eyes):


Savannah already ready for Thanksgiving (After I cut the hair around her eyes):


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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That picture of Finch is just too much. I don't know HOW many pictures we have of Cleo pouting for pictures. I don't know HOW she does it..but there is that distinct "I will destroy you" look on her face!

Proud Mama of Zephyr and Cleo--adopted into the family Feb. 2005 from the local SPCA.


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Finch is adorable.................... :wub: Scout is a cutie pie too :D

I'm loving all these cute pictures. You can also look for cute doggie costumes at Super Target (that's where I got the clown outfit and it was cheap).

Keep the pictures coming, here's one more of Tabitha with a reindeer thingie on.


and here's Tabby last Halloween


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OH MY GOSH!!! All of you are SOOOOO lucky that your babies will wear hats. Darcy ABSOLUTELY will have nothing to do with them. We got her the cutest little outfit last night, but are taking it back because she got all pissy about the hat. We've decided the "hoodie" type outfits are going to have to be our selection. Such a Diva this one is!

I can't believe how grown up Savannah has become! She's like a whole different Cairn.

Great pics everyone. It makes me SO jealous!!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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LOL All the dogs have the same expression on their face!! Too funny!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Almost every year we send out a Halloween Card. We've always done black graphics on Pumpkin card stock, but this year i'm doing a photo card- I had started with grand plans involving a cauldron, and fog machine- but they boys freaked being in the cauldron- So this was concept#2.

By the way, I had to take about 30 pictures in two sessions to get these few. If any of the images load bluery try refreshing.

I can't make up my mind which to use- Tracy









Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Super duper cute Tracy!!!

I think I like #1 the best. They are all very adorable though! I don't think you could go wrong!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I love them all I think three is the best/ I love the sign beware of the dog that is really great!

here is the autum pics all three


Just Rebel


and miss Sug



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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