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Hide & Seek


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For the past week or so, Duffy and Mickey have been disappearing, no where to be found and not coming when called. I checked under the beds, behind furniture, etc. but could not find them. In order to get them to appear I have to shake the treat can in the kitchen, then they come running in from the front part of the house. Last night I finally found where their new hiding place is as I had Jim shake the can and I stayed in the front of the house. They were each on the dining room chairs which I keep positioned so that the seats are under the table. I also have a table cloth that comes down far enough to cover the seats. They thought they were being pretty slick by hiding where they could not easily be seen, but now that we are wise to them they will have to find a new place to hide. I tell you, even though one is a Cairn and the other a Westie, they are so much alike it is scary! I still have not been able to figure out which one is the "brains" in this duo.


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if you don't see Tabitha you have probably hurt her feelings and she's in her crate in the bedroom.

If you don't see Teona..... what am I saying, you always see Teona becuase she's usually 1 inch from your face at all times!! LOL

my girls really don't hide

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Max's hiding place is under a mirrored type dresser in my dining room. Which I'm embarrassed to say he usually comes out from underneath wearing cobwebs! :shy: Dead give away tho! ;)


Sheila - mom of Maximus

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Ours is under the couch, but they have not done that much lately. Cooper is the great hider of his things though! I found several rawhides in a box of clothing I was slowly filling to donate....that would have been hysterical to see the look on those peoples faces!!

Coopers newest thing is to go under the edge of the couch and scratch his back on it, kind of like we might do on the wall. It is so funny to watch and it amazes me he figured this out.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Scout likes to hide under the dining room table too! We don't have a tablecloth on the table, but she is always under the legs of the table.

Finch is always by my side. If she becomes scared, she runs to the basement and curls up on the sofa.

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Guest Darcy's Mom


The two Cairns we had before Darcy did the same thing about scratching their backs, except they would get under the coffee table (perfect height) and just scratch away. The looks on their little faces was priceless.

Neither Darcy nor Molly really hide anywhere. They both are dark and when they come in from outside and are hot they head for the hearth of the fireplace. Ours is moss rock, but over time and with the lights out, it tends to look very dark. I am forever asking my husband, I know I let them in, where are the dogs? He just points to the fireplace and they both are laid out on the cool rock. Pretty smart I say.

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My dog desperately tries to get behind the couch. It's a rocking/reclining loveseat...we blocked off the side entrances...so he squeezes underneath (very dangerous b/c it moves underneath!). Otherwise, he likes to lay in the sun in front of the glass doors and nap.

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If I don't see Kiara, she's usually sleeping in the breakfast room w/ her back facing us as if to say "leave me alone". If she's not in the breakfast room, I always know I'll find her under my bed. If I can't find Abbey, she's stalking one of the cats. Hannah never leaves my sight.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Piper is not a 'hider', at least not yet.

My other Cairn used to hide behind the sofa and under the bed all the time. When she got hard of hearing, there were many days I could NOT find her until I finally looked there. I miss her so.....


P.S. Sally....BEHIND the toilet???? Hahahahaha!!!

Cathy and Piper

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Our Darcy hides anywhere that we can't physically crawl under. She's too darn smart. We have a lower coffee table that she ALWAYS hides under... especially when we're trying to get our socks back from her or put her in her "holding room" when we have to leave. She also likes 2 different chairs in the house... one in the bedroom and one in the living room. Both are rather low from where the bottom of the chair meets the floor. When she was smaller she could crawl under them with no problem... now she actually has to crouch and crawl to get under. But of course in any case, she always leave a peek of a tail out to tease us.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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