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I'm so proud!


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I'm just gushing I guess. My dh and I are very active and "outdoorsie". We chose a cairn because they are considered to be "the big dog in the little package". WOW! Harry proved it this past weekend. Sugarloaf is a 3 hour hike (one way), 4000 foot elevation mountain. That's a pretty big hike for us with backpacks but our little 5 month old left that mountain in the dust!! He spent his first night in our Northface tent too. He was such a great little guy. My only regret is that we forgot our camera...so, back we'll go when the foliage is at it's peak and I'll show off my little guy and the great state of Maine to you all then ;)

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:thumbsup: Good job Harry!

Sounds like you guys had the time of your lives... and I agree, pictures are a must next time. I'm certain he did some rather funny things his first time out in the "wilderness". I think these babeis of ours would go darn near anywhere we went.

I'm SURE he must have slept like a rock that night!!!! Ha ha!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Yeah Harry! I've skied that mountain many times

and that is quite a mountain! Don't you love Maine?

I climbed Kathadin about two years ago, that was fun!


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I'm jealous! :ermm: I so wish I could get my dh to do something like that.

Harry you go little dude! B) (as my son would say)

Please don't forget your camera next time..we would love to see pics!


Sheila - mom of Maximus

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Oh Ellie,

Off subject I know, but YES Sugarloaf is a great mountain!! My husband and I have season passes. Since I work only Tues., Wed. and Thursdays, we get to ski every Monday and Friday during the winter/spring and forego the weekend crowds. We've hiked a lot of the Appalachian Trail in Maine but I've still yet to climb Kathadin. I absolutely love this state!!

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