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3 accidents in the first 2 weeks


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Since he was very well behaved, house-trained, etc...I let him run around in the house. Since then, there were 3 accidents. One time he pooped twice lolz - this is due to me feeding him strange new food; another time he peeed in the kitchen, and today, he pooped right near my house's entrance.

I recently changed his meal schedule and amount of food intake, the time he goes to potty perhaps got messed up. I am thinking about putting him in crate for a certain time during the day to help him cope with the change so that he can go to potty at the time we're home. Once het gets used to this new change - hopefully in few days - I let him go freely again.

I am not sure if this is a good idea, but it would be wonderful when you go home, you don't have to go search for his accidents

Thanks for your advices!

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If you have a puppy or the dog is new to your household, he should be in a crate for potty training. THey hold it while crated and then you take them out right away when you get them out.

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One rule of thumb is that if you can't watch them or their signals, then they should be crated. I've made many mistakes by giving a full reign to the house and paying the price in Natures Miracle and paper towels.

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Guest rottndobie

I agree with what has been said here so far. If you can't watch them, crate them. I am not sure how old your guy is but if there is a housebreaking problem, the easist way to re-train is using the crate.

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yeah, you guys are right. The first week, he did ok because I gave him some parameter. He was limited to his area only. I thought he was adapted to our new place, I let him go freely in our house, then that how things started for the last week. I came to realize that I need to crate train him, hopefully, this is not too late, is it? - he is 5 and 1/2. I needed to mention that due to his meal schedule change, this may also affect his behavior.

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Guest rottndobie
yeah, you guys are right.  The first week, he did ok because I gave him some parameter.  He was limited to his area only. I thought he was adapted to our new place, I let him go freely in our house, then that how things started for the last week.  I came to realize that I need to crate train him, hopefully, this is not too late, is it? - he is 5 and 1/2.  I needed to mention that due to his meal schedule change, this may also affect his behavior.


It's never to late to crate train. Is that 5 1/2 years old or 5 1/2 months old?

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