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Updating Wills


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Hi all, My husband & I are updating our wills and I am interested in leaving a % of my estate to a Cairn rescue group. Gosh know the kids & grandkids will get plenty!! Do any of you have advice on the best group? Is Col. Potter's good? Any others or any other ideas? Thanx!

Linda (AKA: Murphy & Trapper's mom)


We adopted a Colonel Potter rescue this year and our experience was very good. They did a thorough screening before we were approved and took great care to match us with the perfect Cairn for our situation. Belle came to us after having been spayed, teeth cleaned, and all shots updated. I believe at any given time they have approximately 80 - 90 Cairns in their care. I can personally tell you their first priority is the Cairns, hands down. I can't say enough about the wonderful work these volunteers do.


Great idea. Just in case for some ODD reason the company/business that you choose to leave a % to goes out of business but your will still stipulates them as your choice, you might want to list a 2nd and 3rd option. And those 2nd and 3rd options might be something like your local state humane society or a local state or national cairn club... an agency that has been in long standing with a history.

Extra options in the "what if" situation is very common in wills. I know this since my father is an attorney.

For instance, if you leave an estate to Uncle Bob, but he also passes (maybe with you or under some odd circumstance) then you should always have extra "game plans". So that if Uncle Bob no longer is living, then Aunt Sue gets whatever. And if Aunt Sue is no longer living, then Cousin Sam gets whatever. Make sense?

The reason for my stating that is if you have the good intentions of having that seen through, but the cairn group/business you choose is out of business then your good intentions were for naught.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom

I can also vouch for Colonel Potter. I adopted from them this year. It would be hard to find a group of more dedicated, conscientious & caring people. I was impressed with the thoroughness of their screening process. They even did a home inspection of my premises and appointed a mentor to guide me through my first months, and beyond, with my new pup. You can be confident that your gift to Col. Potter would be put to excellent use. Contact: Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network. Email: CPCRN@CairnRescue.com



They are very thorough...I just completed an adoption form (I hope we don't get rejected!!).


Anna....I am so glad to hear you didn't give up trying to find a pal for Alfie :) .


Cathy and Piper


Yes, CathyAnn we are not giving up! The third choice is buying from a breeder, although we like the idea of rescuing/adopting.


Good luck, Anna. I hope everything works out for you. From the application to adoption, it took about 10 months for us to get our CPCRN kid. It was at different times, frustrating, exhilirating, and heart breaking. I hope the process goes smoothly for you. Best wishes! (Hold on, Alfie, there's a Cairn playmate out there waiting just for you!)


Whoa! That's a long time! Thanks for the advice - it helps to know these things!

I'm sure additional funds from wills and donations can only make their process better.

I also tried to look into Cairn Rescue USA but I've received little feedback about it, compared to Col. Potter. Col. Potter *seems* to be more established.


Good for you Anna. I just know your persistance will pay off. Here's hoping that it won't take long for Alfie to get his new brother or sister!

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-M. Acklam

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for your advice. I WILL definately add a 2nd & 3rd option to my will (thanx Darcy's Folks) and WILL definately make Col. Potter my #1 choice with my local Cairn club as #2. Best wishes to Anna on a new pup playmate. Lucky gal! I'd love a 3rd but hubby would kill me. I do plan to look into fostering cairns tho!!

Linda (AKA: Murphy & Trapper's mom)


Glad to be of help in this situation. Good to hear that everyone is so thrilled with the Col Potters group. I looked on their website the other day and it's well done. They even had a Cairn available in Colorado... hubby said no... darnit!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom

Those darn hubbies!

Linda (AKA: Murphy & Trapper's mom)


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