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Time to eat


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Does anyone else feed in order? We do Rebel eats first, he's the oldest and then Robi and then Sugar.

Here's how it works



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Well we have some weird eating habits. If I set both bowls down at the same time, Ellie will gobble hers up as fast as she can, and dori usually sits off to the side till Ellie is done, I'm not sure what she is waiting for. Then she'll go over and eat hers....slowly. I honestly think she does it to aggrivate Ellie that she still has food and Ellie's is all gone!! I do try to put them both in their crates to eat though, it's safer that way!!!

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Guest rottndobie

I tend to feed somewhat in pack order - currently Ashley gets hers first then Shadow. I have had multiple dogs where there was no order, then I would just set the food down in the same order each time. I tend to give the food to the newcomer last (always). Shadow waits for Ash to finish before eating his own. I think he needs the "thought" that Ashley will eat his food (never happen as I always stand guard).

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Okay... coming from a one dog family... I am truly amazed that sweet little Sugar sat there so well and waited for her food. Cool movie to watch! Thanks!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Thanks for the excellent videos. More proof how wonderfully funny these dogs can be. I noticed in "Rebel Jumps Over" that he appeared to sneeze twice, when he finished jumping. My guy also sneezes repeatedly when he's excited or when he wants my attention. Is this yet another one of those "Cairn traits"... sneezing when they're happy? They never seem to run out of ways to make us laugh!


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I loved the Sugar food dance. So cute! Petey & Belle sound similar to Dori and Ellie. I put Belle's bowl down first simply because she is a pig and will gobble up anything in sight. Petey also waits for her to finish and then takes his time while she's staring longingly at his bowl. I also have to stand guard or she will try to sneak some of Petey's.

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I'm fortunate in that Duffy and Mickey eat out of the same bowl. Well, it's not a bowl exactly, it's more of a very small trough. Long and rectangular so that they each have a spot and are not in each other's faces. Thank goodness that there are no food issues/agressions in our house.


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very cute movie......................:)

I always set tabitha's bowl down first then I place Teona's food directly onto the floor. I have to do this or else Teona will try to eat her bowl once she's done.LOL

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Everytime I show my husband one of your videos, he says, "Okay, Crunch, time for obedience class practice.." hehe....I just loved seeing Sugar trying SOOO hard to do it right and being so anxious. :D

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;) Cute video! Coming home to 5 dogs is slightly different. ;) I first feed the Cairns. While getting the Cairn's food ready, my Lab gets quite vocal. Due to his big mouth, he rubbed off on Kiara causing her to get vocal. Abbey and Hannah stay quiet, but both bounce around waiting like your Sugar does. I don't send mine to their crates, but I do separate each of them in the kitchen w/ a babygate. Kiara is the first to run to her spot, followed by Abbey, and then Hannah. I then proceed to feed my Lab and Aussie.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Can I have Sugar? :wub: I just wanted to reach into my monitor and snuggle up with that cutie.

I feed Winnie first, Madison second and Elliott has become excellent waiting for his bowl to be put down last. But Madison also likes to wait until the other two have finished and then leisurely pick at hers. It drives Elliott crazy and I'm sure that's why she does it.

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Sugar is SO funny!!!! The jumping around made me laugh so hard! Sugar seems to be so easy going and fun! Can she come train Savannah???

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I don't have an order of feeding Brody and Mia. They will both hang out in the kitchen while I make their dinner and as soon as I put the spoon in the sink Brody runs to his ex-pen and jumps in and then lays down. Mia jumps in hers too, but usually a little less enthusiatically. Mia wolfs down her food immediately, Brody is a little more casual, he'll sniff the bowl and maybe eat, maybe not. If he did not eat anything, we usually close up the ex-pen. Usually, he'll let us know he wants in to eat a few hours later. When this happens, Mia just sits outside his pen with the most pathetic look, she just can't believe Brody is getting two meals! Mia eats every meal every time and if we don't close up Brody's ex-pen she will eat his food too; consequently she is a bit chubby. Brody is a Cairn supermodel.

Edited to add: Brody doesn't care at all if Mia eats his food. The few times that we've feed them together they seem to switch bowls in the middle of the eating. We feed them seperately mostly because Mia would eat too much if she had access to Brody's bowl.

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My two eat at the same time and their bowls are next to each other. They have done this since Finch was a baby, and we haven't had any problems yet. I had a video of them eating, but I can't get the link to work... :(:(

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I always wondered about this! Cleo (who obviously dominates over poor Zephyr) eats first while we beg Zeph to eat... I guess it is just back order. Loved the video!

Proud Mama of Zephyr and Cleo--adopted into the family Feb. 2005 from the local SPCA.


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