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one meal per day?


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Hello all

I am new, and I have a 5 1/2 year old male cairn terrier named Kiki.

My co-worker told me that her Vet suggested her to feed her dogs one main meal per day to prevent from being overweighed. She normally gives them treats such as biscuits during the day, then a main meal at night. In your opinion, is this good especially with an older dog -6 years up?


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Welcome to the Cairn family majestic!

Our Scully is 2 years old and has been on one meal a day for quite some time. She really wasn't interested in eating in the a.m. so our vet told us it was fine to go to the one meal. Scully is a "tad" on the overweight side so her dinner consists of 1/4 cup of Nutro dry food for overweight dogs, 1 tablespoon of Nutro canned, and a nice helping of canned string beans which she absolutely loves.

I previously had a Cairn for 14 years and she too only ate one meal a day for most of her life.

Hope that helps somewhat.

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I only feed my two, 3 years old and 1.5 years old, once a day. They do get baby carrots and some dog biscuits (not every day) during the day. I think as long as your dog is comforable eating just once a day, it should be ok. Sometimes Finch askes for her dinner very early (noon!) and if she seems hungry, I'll give her 1/2 of her food then, and the rest at dinner time. Scout will NOT eat twice a day, and is a picky eater at once a day, so her schedule always stays the same. I think as long as you are giving your dog the same amount of food, it doesn't matter how you spread this amount out during the day.

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Guest rottndobie

Many years ago I used to only feed once per day. Then I ran across the internet and many reputable breeders and they changed my mind to feeding twice a day. I have done that now for probably 20 years. It is much better for them to be fed twice a day because it keep food in the stomach. Many times dogs, if there is nothing in the stomach, with throw-up bile. I know when I feed later then usual in the morning, Ashley has a tendency to do that.

"My co-worker told me that her Vet suggested her to feed her dogs one main meal per day to prevent from being overweighed. " It never ceases to amaze me the info that vets put out there - and they are supposed to know... If you take the daily ration and split it in two - how can that cause a dog to be overweight?? Some times I think their common sense is missing. I have never had an overweight dog. You need to watch the dogs weight and balance that against exercise and the amount of food given.

Far as biscuits go - my guys get them occassionally, just not every day.

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If I fed Ellie once a day, she'd be nawing on my legs!!!! That dog would eat all day long if I let her. I feed them 1/3c twice a day. Of course I hand fed them strawberries today....they're such princesses!!! LOL

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I've also read contrary opinions that suggest that dogs are meant to gorge and not eat regular meals. That line of thought suggests skipping days altogether and allowing the dog to gorge as it might if foraging on its own. Not bloody likely at our house since I'm a sucker for those big brown eyes.

We feed adults once a day, although I can certainly see the attraction of feeding dogs on a more human schedule.

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We feed ours twice a day, it is what my vet suggested although I have wondered why. I only feed them 3/4 a cup of food a day, it is just split in half and it seems like such a small amount. It would be easier to to it once a day. I know when I got the puppies it was 3 times a day and I cut it back to twice at 12 weeks. I never leave food out, if they don't eat it I take it up. The morning meal is just before I leave for work and evening is around the time we eat.

As far as training we use oat cereal like cheerios and they are split in half. They really do not make training treats small enough for me so we went with the oats. Of course if it is something that requires more energy like jumps, runnning or tunnels they might get a little piece of a turkey hotdog.

I will add that to questions I ask my vet, we will see her Wednesday. I was going to ask about water. Sugar drinks so much more water than the other two and I wondered why.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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We feed our 11 mo old dog twice a day- we had tried feeding him just once a day, but he left his food out then wouldn't eat it, and he would throw up bile in the morning when he hadn't eaten, so we went back to twice a day, and he's maintained his weight nicely. I guess it's all a matter of preference, just so long as you keep them on a schedule (my dog does badly if we throw off his routine).

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thank you all for your replies.

I currently feed my dog twice a day, and about a bit more than 1/3 of a small cup.

I might try with Scully's Mom meal because my dog, Kiki is a bit overweight :)

so her dinner consists of 1/4 cup of Nutro dry food for overweight dogs, 1 tablespoon of Nutro canned, and a nice helping of canned string beans which she absolutely loves.
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