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How much does your dog play,


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The reason why I am asking is because Finch wants to play 24/7! She is always looking for a ball to play with, or a frisbee for someone to throw for her. I don't mind playing with her, and it's alot of fun for both of us, but I was just wondering how much does everyone play with their dog(s)? Because of health issues right now, I can't take them on long walks, so I have been throwing the ball for them and if it's raining outside (like right now) I throw the ball for them downstairs in the basement. We do this several times a day. I usually throw until they won't chase anymore or the bugs are eating me alive!

Finch's favorite toy is her frisbee/pacifier. LOL! She carries it around with her and tries to get into our bed at night with her. Oh, Finch is 1.5 years old

Here is a video I took of Finch playing fetch. I hope the link works!


Here is a picture of Finch with her frisbee/pacifier...yes, she sleeps with it!


How much does your dog play and what are his/her favorite toy?

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Brody will play fetch 24/7. He will fetch anything, but I think his favorite toy is a little soft soccer ball, about the size of a golf ball. Mia doesn't really have a favorite game, though she plays fetch too. Brody gets so excited about the game that he drops the ball off about 5 feet from us. When we tell Mia to "bring it here" she will get the ball and bring it right to us! Mia is a little hunter, she loves to run around in the yard and bark at the deer and woodchucks outside the fence.

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Scully's favorite toy is any size or shape of a ball. She would play catch all day. I bought her a frisbee but she seems to think it's a big chew toy. :confused:

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These girls like the squeekie stuff. I tried the frizbee, and they ate it! They're favorite thing is tag, I swear to god they wear me out watching them!!! I try the toss the ball thing and they just dont care. Sure glad I put that play yard in for them.....not!

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My 3 Cairns play alot! Mornings seem to go by on the quiet side, but they get very vocal to go outback to run the yard by afternoon. When they play, they play hard. I wouldn't worry if you can't get outside w/ Scout and Finch. We've had rainy days before and had to find fun indoors. Playing fetch like you're doing is great. You just take care of yourself right now. Your "girls" will adapt to your schedule.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Darcy loves a squeeky ball and will play fetch anytime we ask her "Darcy, where's your ball?" She will play for 15-30 minutes until she's worn out and won't fetch it anymore. We use that as a huge source of exercise for her if it gets too late/dark and we can't take her on a walk. She runs herself hard playing fetch. She also loves any stuffed animal that is her size or larger.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I loved the photo of Finch and her frisbee! Unfortunately the video link didn't work Shoe :(

8 month Fergus gets out and about for 2.5 hours each morning to walk to the park and beach with his girlfriend, a 2 year old minature Schnauzer called Zoe. When I let him off the lead at the park the pair of them wrestle, bite and chase each other. I keep telling Fergus that's no way to treat a lady! We then walk on to the beach where I let him off his lead again. That's when I throw his gel, floatable frisbee into the sea for him to retrieve. He's a much better swimmer than Zoe, but she is more agile on land.

By the time we get home, we are both usually shattered and Fergus usually sleeps most of the afternoon, waking up in time for his dinner. After my dinner I usually play ball with him for 30 minutes.

Did I mention I have to have afternoon naps too?

Here's hoping your helth improves soon and you can get back into your walks with Finch :)

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Ours chase each almost every waking minute! They are so funny to watch. Cooper will also play by himself, stalking his squeeky toy and then pouncing on it like a cat! He even will toss it so he can stalk it again....I find it amazing to watch.

Cooper loves for you to throw things for him to chase. However, he likes to tease you instead of bringing it back. That is when Yoda will step in, take it from him and bring it to you...Cooper just sits there flabberghasted! Just last night, my husband was playing w/Cooper while Yoda was chewing a bone, and Cooper would not bring him the toy. My husband said, 'bring it here', so Yoda got up, walked across the room w/his bone and gave him that! I was laughing so hard!!!

Oh, and their absolute favorite toy is anything that squeeks, squeeks, squeeks......


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Savannah likes anything that makes noise. She has 2 sheep, a purse (yes, a purse), a moon and a ball that squeek, she has an Aflac duck that says, "Aflac", and a stuffed dog that rattles. She also likes the cat balls with the bells inside but I haven't found one recently that can stand up to her bite. She really likes all of the things mentioned above, but the sheep and duck are probably her favorites. Any toy that doesnt make a noise, she totally ignores EXCEPT stuffed animals. She will play with them even if they don't make a noise. We have a Frisbee, and several tennis balls the look brand new becuase she won't have anything to do with them.

Edited to add that Savannah plays alot too ( not quite 24/7 but close). If she is outside, she won't play with toys much. She would rather jump around in the grass trying to make some bugs fly up to chase. She will play that game for hours if I let her! She also likes to chase the hummingbirds away from my feeder!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Still looking for a stinkin toy that they like but cannot destroy and ingest! I was so happy to see them playing with asqueeky thing made out of firehose material--indestructible I figured. Nope. Elsa gnawed through it, ate some of it and barfed. Yay.

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Duffy and Mickey play together all day long. Mickey is ready to play as soon as he wakes up. Duffy on the other hand, takes a couple of hours in the morning to get in the "play" mode. However, once it starts getting dark, they both usually start to settle down and by 8:30 p.m. or so, they are both sleeping in their favorite spots in the living room. As soon as they both hear the click of the TV going off, they get up and go to their crates. I only wish they could close the doors on their own!


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Thanks, everyone for the info! Sorry about the link....let's try this link:


You have to click on the word "original"....not sure why...but that's how I get it to open.

"""Quality: Original (.mov, 2.3M) | 56k Low | 256k Hi | 400k Hi | My Streaming Preferences"""

**** This is at the bottom of the page under "get links for this page".

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Finch is so handsome, I got the video to work the 2nd time...looks like he & Kai-lee could play in the yard and wear each other out!

I hope your health improves quickly, good thoughts going your way!


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What a great video! Savannah has that same ball! That is just about the only ball that she will play with but she loves it!!!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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both girls LOVE fetch.

Tabitha will only play with a tennis ball and Teona only likes to fetch her "bouncy ball"

Teona is now obsessed with her ball. You get out of the shower in the morning and she is sitting there with her ball, everywhere you go....there she is with her ball. It's so funny. Teona also likes the frisby. Tabitha spends most of her day sleeping or chewing on her bones. Teona is always in your face wanting to lick. They get in these wild spells and chase and wrestle.

Here's the girls with a few of their favorite roys....





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