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What a goofball!


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I mentioned previously that we took both dogs in for their yearly checkups and shots. While there, Cooper was found to have a double ear infection so we were given the dreaded drops.

Well, the next day, I chose to leave town for two days, leaving the husband to administer them! I thought this was a grand plan! He didn't enjoy it...nor did he enjoy it the next night.

After I got home last night and was meeted and greeted by the dogs, I sat down on the kitchen floor to do the dirty deed. I put Cooper between my legs, facing away from me. I very easily got the drops in both ears with no fuss whatsoever!!! My husband stood there with his jaw hanging to about his knees. Once all this was over, Cooper skittered away like nothing had happened. :thumbsup:

Well, before I could raise myself up off the floor, Yoda sat himself down between my legs, facing away from me. I scratched him and tried to shoo him away and he would not budge. He then hit my hand holding the drops with his nose....he actually wanted drops in his ears too! He would not move until I pretended to put them in and then he was one happy camper........gotta love him!! :wub:

All I could do was laugh!!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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That is hilarious! My older outside dog would come over to me and potty within a few feet of me after we got Crunch. This was very weird for her to do. My son thinks it is because she wanted a reward treat like Crunch. They figure out the equal opportunity thing pretty quickly...What a funny thing for Yoda to want in on! :D

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OH my god, i wish it would have been that easy for me with Dori and Ellie....they were a total pain. If not for cheese, they'd still be scratching.

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So super duper hilarious and sweet all in one breath! I bet you were rolling in laughter!

P.S. Women do EVERYTHING better!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I guess they know who rules the roost, eh? That was an adorable story.

I'm the one in our family who does the vet runs, the yard clean up, the Heartguart/Frontline, the baths, the grooming and the loving.

Hubby is the one who'll get them all wound with his frolicking and ruff & ready play.

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Guest girliejr
:lol: That's pretty funny! It's amazing how jealous they can be of each other....if only they knew that the "attention" the other one is getting isn't always good!
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What a funny story! The more stories I hear about these pups, the more convinced I am that I already have my first child because they act JUST LIKE them!!

I'm the one in our family who does the vet runs, the yard clean up, the Heartguart/Frontline, the baths, the grooming and the loving.

Sounds just like the way things work in our family! I am Savnnah's caregiver. DH is the fun one that plays all the time. I really think she knows that too, cause when she was sick, she stuck by me like glue. It was like, "Mom, please make me feel better!!".

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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How sweet...I love to hear when our babies do such grand things. Maggie had to take a pill everyday for three weeks. She got to the point where all I had to say was time for your pill. She would come sit in front of me waiting to have it shoved down her throat. They learn such trust from us.


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