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We are fine........

Guest posting as: Teri9672

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Guest posting as: Teri9672

No storm damage where we stayed. High winds, but no real damage. We still have powere here at our business, but not at home yet. We'll wait a few days before going home.

The girls did fine all thru the storm. I just kept them crated.

Teona and Tabitha did get into a little scuffel on Thursday night and I ended up getting bit by Teona. She bit right thru the top of my fingernail and another tooth ripped the skin on my thumb. My husband had reached down to pick her up and my hand was just too close I guess.

I still love her...... :wub:

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Glad to hear you're safe! Darcy bit me this week too, truly by accident. She licked the heck out of me afterwards when she could tell I was upset and she could smell the blood.

Be safe!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Guest girliejr

Glad everyone is safe. Thank goodness the storm wasn't as bad as predicted! In Dallas, we never even got a drop of rain :confused: . They were predicting MASSIVE storms and 70 mph winds, but all we got was a lot of humidity! Oh well, better safe than sorry! Hopefully your electricity will be restored at home soon!

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