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What a day!

Guest Eli

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Oh, my! What a day! I'll tell ya, I am going to be a little leery next time that Alpha B*tch smiles so sweetly and asks me if I want to go "bye-bye car"! And I thought I could trust her. Wimmen! The day started out fine, as usual, except for the early hour and it being dark. But when it came time for them to leave, they didn't ditch me in my crate like they usually do. They invited me to come along. I shoulda known something was up! But no, I fell for it and hopped in the car. Turns out we went to where they up-rights go all day, a high school. Well, I was having the time of my life, what with kids stopping in her office (she's the nurse) and making a fuss over me! I got a little excited and pooped, but hey, I did it in her bathroom. Then she put me in the car again and took me to that vet place again and DITCHED me there! I don't remember much after that, but apparently I am now , uh, "tutored." Which must mean my "my privates hurt" in some language. Later I came home and slept in my crate. She ditched me again to go to some dumb football game (Go Rockets!). I got up when she got home. I ate a little, had some water, peed and pooped, and even let her brush me. I am tired but not feeling too bad, considering. But let me tell you fellow cairns, DO NOT TRUST THOSE UP-RIGHTS!

small woof!

Eli the Eunuch

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I'm sorry Eli, I'll bet you feel better tomorrow. Did the Rockets win? Petey and Belle got ditched tonight too for dumb football (Go Chiefs!), so don't feel bad. Try to take it easy and rest for the next few days - I know, you'll probably feel like playing HARD tomorrow, but take it easy, OK?

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You really need to start a journal, Eli. You have a wonderful talent for telling stories that make me double over in laughter.

I'm sorry you had to go to that "place" but look at it this way....they can only do THAT to you once. Hang in there, buddy. :whistle:

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Good Morning Eli! I'm sorry that you have a boo-boo but you'll feel better in no time flat. And to think those uprights think it was for YOUR good. NOT!!! Right now my daddy is cleaning the garage and I was banished to the family room. Apparently he doesn't appreciate my help. It's not like I'm TRYING to trip him every time he moves. He should watch where he's going. Sheesh!

Hugs and Kisses - feel better!


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Yo Elli,

Hey, hope you are feeling a bit better. I'm only 5 months and sum, and my doctor say's I can't get tutored" until I'm old enough - like around 6 months. Something about anesthesia and my light weight. Is that how old you are? Well my big day is coming old pal - I'll let you know what kind of day I have. I bet you are getting lot's of "feel better" treats from the upright - now's the time .......moan on.


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Me, again! Thanks for all your good wishes! I bet I could trust you guys, and not you-know-who! Actually, I had a pretty good day. Not feeling too bad, but slept a lot and laid around looking for my nuts, if you know what I mean. I had my dew claws removed, too, so I had those bandages to work on. The Alpha B*tch let me b/c they were to come off today, anyway. Gave me something to do. So unlike me, I couldn't get them off! So she finally took 'em off for me, after which I applied that special cairn terrier medicine to the wounds. Slurp, slurp. Prevents infection, as you know.

I just wanna know: was all this REALLY necessary???

Not in MY humble opinion,


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Ummm.... no funky collar thingy for me! But the bandages on my legs were BLUE! To match my collar. Spiffy! But they shaved my front legs and now they look funny. Oh, the indignity of it all!



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Wow Eli... looking back on it all now, I didn't realize how tragic all this was! I'm glad my time is over with, as I got "sprayed" (not tutored) a couple months ago. My mommy and daddy doted all over me and did practically anything I wanted to do when I had the stupid clown collar on. Now it's back to "do this, do that". No treats without a circus performance.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Yeah, Darcy, I know what you mean! Now that I'm feeling good, it's all "sit!" "stay!" and "nonowhatareyoudoing!" again. And as if I haven't suffered enuf indignities, dig this: Apparently I pooped a little under anesthesia, so they shaved around my butt. Now the uprights are all: "Hey, Eli! It must be night-time! I can see Uranus!" HAHAHA! They think they are hilarious!

But you know I will get even!



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LOL...Sorry Eli, I couldn't help but laugh at your uprights joke. At least your uprights are funny. Mine THINK they are funny, but I usually disagree.

My uprights ditched me on Sunday at my grand-uprights house so that they could go to work. I don't know about this work place. Seems like they should be done with whatever it is they are working on. Anyway, My grand-uprights have a cat. I just wanted to play so I jumped over the baby gates to greet it. For some reason, the cat did not want to play with me. It made this horrific noise and started batting me in the face. My grand uprights said I just stood there until my grandpa ran over and rescued me. Luckily, that nasty cat doesn't have claws but boy the nerve. I am done with cats. They are officially NOT playmate material from this point on! :mad: All you other pups remember this!

Anyway, glad that your tutoring is over and that you are feeling better.



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Eli, you are too cute! I'll bet Alfie will play with you all day long if he saw you because you sound like lots of fun....sorry for the booboo but that will go away.


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