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A few questions


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Hey I'm a fairly new cairn owner. My baby girl's name is Roxie and shes... 7 months old (oh my god, they grow up so fast!) and I have a few questions for all of you cairn lovers out there. some out of curiousty and some in need of advice

1. Do your cairns sleep in bed with you, or in a crate or what? What did they sleep in when they were little and when did the "graduate" it?

2. (This question may be confusing) After a while of basic training, dogs think that when you have something they want, they have to sit. For example, you'll say "sit" and obviously have something itneresting in your hand and they'll sit. But if you say "cheese" in the same situation, they'll still sit. How can you get them to understand that that word "sit" means to do that, not anything else?

3. What kind of games do your cairns like to entertain themselves with? What games do you entertain THEM with?

4. I've seen pictures of cairns spending a hot day in one of those plastic hard pools for little kids. I know its September but where I live it's still hot and I plan on getting one for Roxie. Where could I go to get one? (I tried toysrus but they're out of stock and will be until next summer)


5. When let out in the backyard, Roxie loves to eat mud and dead snails and thats not good cause she could get poisoned with all that junk we spray on the plants for the snails. How can we get her not to eat mud and snails so we can let her run around?

I can't think of any more questions. If I do, I'll post them. And here's my baby:


(She was spayed a while ago)

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Very cute picture. Our Cairns sleep in bed with us most nights now, but for the first several months they slept in crates and/or exercise pens. It seem important to me that they be willing to stay in a crate when we visit friends or stay in a hotel.

They do eventually figure out certain words. Besides the obedience commands, our definitely know out, bone, mouse, ball, and bed. I'm sure there are other words they know, those are just all I can think of right now.

My two love to play fetch, Brody especially would play all day. My husband put a toy mouse (it is actually a cat toy) on a string and they love to chase that around too.

The pool is going to be tough to find this time of year.

Talk to your exterminator, they supposedly have non-toxic chemicals.

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Roxie is so cute. I bet she loves that cone head LOL

My Missy, a cairn terrier passed away this past November at age 17.

Missy started sleping with us at about a year old. She had the run of the house by two where we left her alone. When we were home she had the run all the time when only home. She wasn't much into toys etc... she loved to run in the fenced in yard with my supervision.

Kramer, whom is our new Cairn, is 11 months old. He's had the run of the house since he has been 9 months old while we are gone. He was very easy to potty/poop train and has no accidents, that is when I gave him the run while we went out and said no more crate. He is different that my Missy was, he doesn't and never has chewed furniture or got into trouble. He only wants to be with you and just loves to cuddle. His favorite play time is playing ball. Any sort of ball and he goes wild. His favorite is a whiffle ball. He plays with alot of toys a bog foot, pork chop etc... I throw it and he fetches it and he likes to play tug with it but not ruff tug just a nice easy tug and I say mamma is going to get it! he loves it. He also loves ot play hide and seek we hide from him and he searches to find us and when he does he is so excited. Like I said, he is alittle unusual than my Missy was, she was always into mischief, tearing up carpet/toliet paper/socks etc..she was a very dominent girl where as Kramer he is not. He loves anyone and everyone including any other animals that pass his way he wants to play.

They're both pure breed cairns there love is so unconditional and I love the for who they are. Missy was my first cairn and a girl I will miss forever. Kramer really keeps my spirits up as losing my girl was very hard for me. You will get so much love and enjoyment from Roxie, Cairn's are the best!

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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1. Do your cairns sleep in bed with you, or in a crate or what? What did they sleep in when they were little and when did the "graduate" it? Petey, who is 1 year old now, started sleeping in our bed at about age 7 months (when he was pretty reliably housetrained). Belle, who is 3 years old, still sleeps in her crate (she won't settle down and will walk on the nightstands, etc.)

2. (This question may be confusing) After a while of basic training, dogs think that when you have something they want, they have to sit. For example, you'll say "sit" and obviously have something itneresting in your hand and they'll sit. But if you say "cheese" in the same situation, they'll still sit. How can you get them to understand that that word "sit" means to do that, not anything else?

Hmmm, maybe work on "sit" a few times with a treat, then work on it with giving praise as a reward. Jump up and down, do cartwheels, you know, just act like an idiot. Just a thought...

3. What kind of games do your cairns like to entertain themselves with? What games do you entertain THEM with?

Petey = soccer ball obsessed. Loves to chase the soccer ball. Belle = fetch. She loves to fetch anything and everything.

4. I've seen pictures of cairns spending a hot day in one of those plastic hard pools for little kids. I know its September but where I live it's still hot and I plan on getting one for Roxie. Where could I go to get one? (I tried toysrus but they're out of stock and will be until next summer)

Gosh, that's a tough one. You're right, retailers probably won't have them. A quick Google turned up nothing, either. You might try something like freecycle.org to advertise that you want one, and someone may have one they want to get rid of. We love freecycle.


5. When let out in the backyard, Roxie loves to eat mud and dead snails and thats not good cause she could get poisoned with all that junk we spray on the plants for the snails. How can we get her not to eat mud and snails so we can let her run around?

Try low fencing around the plants and train her to stay on her side??

Hope this helped. Roxie sure is cute wearing her lampshade!! Good luck to you.

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I know they are pricier, but will last almost forever, is a pond that you can buy year round at most Home Depots or Lowes. We have one we use for the grandkids for a wading pool (the dogs have their own wadingn pool), and have had it at least for ten years. Try that....


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Thanks for all the answeres, guys! I'm terribly sorry about missy, by the way.

To bubba, we actually do have one of those ponds! though it's filled with fish and the water desperatly needs cleaning. Oh well.

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Hi, I'm a brand new forum member today. Your Roxie looks very much like my Zen. Zen is 5 months old yesterday. He has slept in the bed maybe four times so far. If he is totally tired (played hard all day, been to the doggie park, and a late night 1 mile run) he is good for the entire night. If these requirements aren't met

he will start wrestling with Daisy. Daisy is our cat. Same size, so far as Zen, and

will wrestle with him on a give and take basis. Of course once this starts there is no sleeping for his hard working parents. Needless to say his nights in or on the bed are limited. The rest of the time he goes to his cage. Which he doesn't seem to mind.

As this is our first Cairn I can only speak as a novice and the personal experiences I have had with Zen. It is my personal opinion that left to their own devices, they will entertain themselves by immediatey embarking on a "search and destroy" mission. No slipper, paper left in waste basket, toilet paper, keenex, throw rug, (this could go on and on) is safe. If I can't see him I find myself hollering "Zen what ever your doing STOP!" This doggie is SO smart and will continually test the waters to see how much he can get away with. He knows where to go when nature calls but if he can sneek a few dribbles on the carpet you can almost see him smirk.

Owning a Carin is definely a life changing experience. If I knew then what I know now, would I still get a Carin......you bet

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Good morning and welcome to a wonderful forum.

Once in awhile I will let my 3 sleep in my bed...it's more of a treat than a habit. They usually all sleep in their own crates.

Gee, I'd be happy to have mine sit instead of jump no matter what word I used :lol: I think eventually they get to know the word and more important, the manner in which it's said. If I say "Leave It" in a happy, high-pitched voice I doubt it will be obeyed as much as when I say it in my normal, panic-stricken voice. (99% of the time it's for something dangerous or harmful that's been dropped and Elliott is pouncing on it...penny, cherry tomato, chocolate kiss, etc)

All 3 of mine like different things...Winnie, 12 years old likes to lick stuffed toys, not rip them apart like Madison and Elliott do. They love bully sticks and the pressed rawhide bones. Another favorite are those puzzle toys...Hide-a-Bee and such. The bees lose their stuffing but their carcasses last awhile. :whistle:

For exercise they love frisbees and those kid's balls that are light and move easily.

I know most of the department stores around here like Walmart carry seasonal items so they wouldn't have the plastic pools now but you could always try online or improvise....those turtle toy boxes/sand boxes for kids would work wonderfully and they come with a cover.

I am very cautious about what I use in my yard and garden as far as pesticides and herbicides. I used organic fertilizers and tried to put in only non-toxic plants in their playing area. I am an avid gardener but my dogs and their safety are a #1 priority. So this year I had crabgrass to pull out by hand, slugs in my hostas and beetles on my roses.

They also like the mud and love to roll in bird poop and other nasty things. I try and keep an eye on them when they're outside but as you know, Cairns are quick and determined little buggers.

I honestly have no advice other than to keep them in a smaller area outside. I sectioned off a part of our yard this spring and it was the best thing I ever did. I got some wire fencing at Home Depot and designed a playground for them. I've noticed that this area has become a no-fly zone for the birds and even the neighbors cat stays out. So far the only brave soul to venture into that area was a chipmunk.....God rest his soul. :halo:

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Guest girliejr
1. Do your cairns sleep in bed with you, or in a crate or what? What did they sleep in when they were little and when did the "graduate" it?

Jack sleeps in his own bed which is a doggie bed on the floor right next to my bed. He has slept in this since he was about 9 months old (before that he slept in a crate, but the crate was in my bedroom). Everything I have read says if they sleep in crates, just make sure the crate is IN your room with you so they feel like part of the "pack" and not isolated from you. I do have a baby gate up next to Jack's bed so he can't "roam" freely at night.

2. (This question may be confusing) After a while of basic training, dogs think that when you have something they want, they have to sit. For example, you'll say "sit" and obviously have something itneresting in your hand and they'll sit. But if you say "cheese" in the same situation, they'll still sit. How can you get them to understand that that word "sit" means to do that, not anything else?
Jack sits for everything! He is so used to getting his treats when he sits, he thinks if he just sits, he'll get the treat!! :lol: Good luck with that one!
3. What kind of games do your cairns like to entertain themselves with? What games do you entertain THEM with?

Jack loved to play as a puppy, but now he is not interested in most of his toys. He LOVES walks and stuffed toys (only because he loves to rip the stuffing out of them!) Needless to say, he doesn't get many stuffed toys because I don't want to clean up white fluff all over the house!

4. I've seen pictures of cairns spending a hot day in one of those plastic hard pools for little kids. I know its September but where I live it's still hot and I plan on getting one for Roxie. Where could I go to get one? (I tried toysrus but they're out of stock and will be until next summer)
I would try the internet. Maybe Ebay or the clearance section of Wal-Mart or Target or possibly Toys-R-Us online.
5. When let out in the backyard, Roxie loves to eat mud and dead snails and thats not good cause she could get poisoned with all that junk we spray on the plants for the snails. How can we get her not to eat mud and snails so we can let her run around?

I have a hard time getting Jack to not eat gross stuff in the yard too! I like the idea of getting pet friendly chemicals to treat the snails/plants. Also make sure your dog knows the "drop it" or "leave it" command. That could come in really handy if they get a hold of something that could really hurt them. I have to admit, that's a hard one to get a Cairn to do, especially if they have something they REALLY want! Jack knows the "drop it" command, but he doesn't always do it! -_-

I hope this helps and welcome to the forum!

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Scout, who is 3 years old,started sleeping in our bed when she was a little over a year old. She slept in a crate before that. Finch, who is 1.5 years old started sleeping in our bed at about 7 or 8 months old. Both were very easy to house break and Finch hardly ever had any accidents in the house.

We had a hard time teaching Finch how to sit. Every time you walk up to her, she sits! Her teacher thought that was great, and she still does it, but I would like her to "know" the word "sit"....so I'm having the same problem.

Scout and Finch play together all the time. As far as toys, Scout loves stuffed animals and her goal is to find the sqeaker...after she finds it, she's done with the toy. Finch plays with everything....and wants to play 24/7....sigh.

You might want to try garage sales for pools....I think most stores will be out of them now....or maybe some friends (who have little kids) would let you use theirs until next spring...or maybe they have one in the basement they are not using anymore?

We use the command "leave it", which has saved us from having to dig out "gross" stuff" for their mouths.

Welcome to Cairn Talk!!

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Our dog doesn't sleep with us, he sleeps in his cage- my husband has allergies and our dog is too liable to start barking and wake us up ^^;;

About the sit thing- in obedience you teach the dog to automatically sit when you are not doing anything- so it's just the default position for the dog- if you're doing confirmation, it might be wiser to teach the dog to stand instead of sit, but that's up to you. But anyway, you give your dog another command if you want them to do so, otherwise, they'll just sit there. Not necessarily b/c they want a treat, but just b/c it becomes automatic. I don't give my dog treats for sitting anymore, but he does it automatically anyway. Anyhow, good luck with training ^^

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Welcome aboard! We joined a month ago and we LOVE this forum... I'm sure you will too!

1. We have crated Darcy since day one. She sees her crate as her safe haven because no one else but her can "fit" in there. Typically, M-F Darcy sleeps in her crate. On the weekends we let her sleep in the bed, unless she makes the choice to sleep in her crate. Sometimes she's just so tired that she's had it with all of us and wants to be in her safe haven. We will probably continue to do this forever.

2. Sit... that's a funny question. We've been in training classes with Darcy for almost 6.5 months (she's almost 9 months). Darcy still chooses when to do what she wants to do. There are certain commands she's great at... other's not so great. We just go with the flow.

3. Darcy plays mostly with her toys for entertainment. She also loves to peer out of windows and check out what all the neighborhood is up to. We leave a chair she is able to jump onto in front of a window at all times so she has that option. We play fetch with her for fun and for exercise as we have a very long hallway that we play in for her to run up and down as fast and as hard as she wants.

4. We're in the same boat... looked for one too late and will just wait til next summer to get one... but we're in Colorado so it's getting to be fall here rather quickly.

5. Let's see... a terrier not like dirt/mud, not like to dig, and not like to eat anything that moves??? Well, that's just something you'll have to either try (I stress the word try) to shape the behavior, or just realize that is what they were bred to do... dig and find vermin (or anything else that moves... like moths, bugs, etc). Most fertilizers/weed killers are safe for animals 1-2 hours after spraying. Check all of your bottles and quit using anything that could be bad for your pup. Obviously, you're going to have to sacrafice having a pristine lawn for that fact of having your baby now.

Good luck... we look forward to more pictures!!!! Roxie is gorgeous!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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