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Here's Sammi!


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I've been trying to help my mom find and adopt a cairn terrier. She fell in love with Tucker and Scruffy on her last visit. It's been very difficult because either we were too late, or they were not a good match for her. Through a friend of a friend, I was able to steer my mom toward this group. My mom called last night and said that she's getting Sammi! She'll pick him up tomorrow and she's so excited. Here's the really neat part. Sammi is an owner-surrender victim of Katrina. I have a very personal connection with him already for obvious reasons. It was definitely meant to be!



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How wonderful for you and Sammi. He is really handsome. I can't wait to here the stories.




Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Oh....that is wonderful.

When I first saw your post I thought YOU got another Cairn. I'll bet it's hard not to bring home every dog at that shelter that touched your heart.

Tell your Mom we are going to want stories and pics....we're a spoiled bunch here. :whistle:

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How wonderful! We want to hear stories for sure! I am sure he is going to be one special guy (he already is with all he has probably been through). I believe that things happen for a reason and I agree that he was meant to find your family. Congratulations on such a handsome boy!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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HOOOOOORAAAAYYYYYY FOR SAMMI.... and of course your mom! So glad he'll get a second chance at life with what I'm sure will be a fabulous home!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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My mom picked him up today and she said he's just everything she's hoped for. He jumped right into her arms and gave her kisses all over her face, like they were old friends. :) Here's a picture that the rescuer sent to me today of my mom and Sammy.



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Call me a wuss....my eyes filled up with tears at your mom and Sammi. Especially hearing how he just loved her immediately. We can't wait to hear more Sammi stories and more pictures. (Your mom is really pretty!!!)

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So glad they already love each other. They will surely be bonded quickly! They both look SOOOOO happy in that picture... so adorable!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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