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Stinky Eli

Guest posting as: mrseggcup

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Guest posting as: mrseggcup

Stinky Eli, here! Had a bit of fun tonite. The Alpha B*tch brought home some Old Spice Spray Deodorant for Teen-Aliens, and it fell of the table. So I waited til no one was looking and chomped it real good! It was hissing and spraying all over me and all over the place! It was really cool. The Big Teen-Alien couldn't get it to stop, so he chucked it right out the front door, where it kept on hissing. Boy, did I stink, the house stinks, and the whole neighborhood stinks! I personally prefer eau de rotting squirrel, but this is right up there. The Alpha B*tch started breaking out in hives and sneezing. She wouldn't let me near her, so of course, I hung around close, just to bug her.

I guess Friday I am getting fixed or "tutored" or something. And microchipped! What does she think I am, a computer??!! Anyway, more about that later, I guess.


Eli the Stinky

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Poor poor Eli! Sometimes, my bossy one sprays that stuff on me ON PURPOSE. She calls it doggie perfume but it sure doesn't smell like any dog I ever met.



We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Eli -

You must tell me how much smarter you feel after you go to the "tutor" .....about that "chip" .........will it help your golf game?

wow, did I ever enjoy hearing about the wild party you had with the fountain of perfume - good job buddy. I bet those uprights just can't get enough of you.

Til next time,


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Guest posting as: mrseggcup

Hi, Savannah! Wow! Your up-right sprays you with that stuff ON PURPOSE??? Isn't that animal cruelty? If I were you, next time you go for a walk, find something good to roll in. If you can't find anything, roll anyway. She'll think you found something! Don't fool her too much, she might give you a B-A-T-H. I had one of those a long time ago when I didn't know any better and sat in my poop. Needless to say, I never did that again.

I go for "tutoring" tomorrow. My Up-Right works in a high school and I get to go visit there first. It will be a blast, seeing all those kids. She's gonna try to get me on the payroll as a drug-sniffing therapy dog. Wouldn't THAT be cool?



Nothing to eat past 7 PM? What the heck is up with that??

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Eli - I sneeze everytime the upright sprays that junk on me (usually when new people come over to see me) so that MAYBE she will learn I don't like it!!! She is kinda dumb sometimes. It is like she can't understand what I am trying to tell her or something! It should be a requirement for these uprights to learn to speak dog before they can adopt us. After all, they make us take training classes and expect us to listen to them right???

I never was "tutored" but Mom took me to have me "sprayed" and chipped. She wouldn't let me eat or drink after MINDNIGHT the night before! Can you believe it! They left me at that stinky vets office ALL DAY. I don't remember mcuh about what happened. all the sudden I got real sleepy and then I woke up but I was still REAL sleepy. Next thing I know, my upright came to get me. I was sleepy all that day but the next day I was my normal self. The bossy one kept telling me not to jump on things but I don't know why! I slept all the day before, I wanted to play!! You will do fine and you will get a nice nap! Let us know how things go!



We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Hey Eli! It's bad enough you have those adult uprights to deal with - but teenager aliens? Yuck!!!! It's not your fault you partied with that stinky spray stuff. It's their fault for bringing into YOUR house in the first place. The very least they could have done was let you party with a can of Budweiser. Sheesh! No respect for us four-legged furry ones.

I had that "tutoring" thing done. What a waste of my time. How would they like their private parts messed with like that. And then to be all doped up. They KNOW we like to run and play. Tel ya what - when you come home make sure you take a nice pee on the floor. That'll show 'em. :P

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Ya know, Eli, I can't figure out why those up-rights want to spray that stinky stuff under their arm pits? What a waste!!

And, a little weird, don't ya think??


Cathy and Piper

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I know you are partial to your alien teens frgrance Eli - here's a tip for your upright - mix 1/2 solution Pinaud Clubman Eau De Quinine with water - apply with spray bottle - keeps the smell down - I can tell ya! I'm a sweet smelling guy ! Hi girls (wink)


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