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Petsmart Debacle


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We brought Bosco on a Petsmart outing - we usually have a great, adventurous time, but today was different. There was a huge overweight sheperd dog, that was very jumpy and friendly. Well he jumped on my mom, who was carrying Bosco, and of course Bosco started to bark. Well the sheperd's owner basically made faces and hand motions indicating our dog was crazy. :(

Then when we were trying to figure out a harness for Bosco, the person helping us was a bit mean. Bosco was excited to be there, and kept wanting to look at different things, so alas wasnt staying still and sitting like a statue. Well the Petsmart person said that "your dog doesnt need a harness, he needs obedience lessons!" Ugh.....anyone else have bad days at Petsmart, or is my dog really such a bad pup? Yes he barks and gets excited, but isnt that normal? :( :( :(

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OH MY GOODNESS! That is SO unacceptable of that PetSmart employee to say to you. And I would have immediately said something back like, our dog is well minded and simply excited to be on an outing to his favorite place. I would at least call and let the manager know. For all that employee could have known, you could have done your training at PetSmart... see where I'm going with this. It would have been one thing if Bosco was loose in the store causing all sorts of chaos, but it sounds like he just had the wiggles and was excited.

We have been nothing but thrilled with our PetSmart. We go there for everything... vet, grooming, classes, shopping.

Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. Make a call... as a manager/supervisor in the customer service industry you never know what problems are really happening if no one lets you know of them.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Hi Milopup,

That's pretty rude of the PetsMart troll to say that to you. A groomer that we used only one time told me the same thing about Duffy. I told him he could put his clippers where the sun don't even shine. Duffy is a good dog. He minds us but is still a little hyper around strangers. I would not worry about this. One nasty clerk does not a PetsMart make!


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Oh boy...you must have missed my Petsmart fiasco post a week or so ago. I was so mortified that Scully was barking her head off like there was no tomorrow at all the dogs in the store. Some of the customers were looking at my like I had the dog from hell. She doesn't appear to bark because she's mad, she wants to play. I swore I'd never go back again with her.

Personally, I would definitely call the store manager about that remark. That was unnecessary and uncalled for! Bosco should have taken a chunk out of their leg.

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Wow....that really does not sound like a very happy Petsmart employee. I probably would have just walked away but made it a point to have a chat with the manager. It's employees like that that will keep customers away and management might want to know about it.

We have a Petco here and everyone is just so pet friendly no matter what,

Now, I might have been inclined to say something rude to that Shepherd owner. How was his dog able to jump up on your Mom if he had control over his dog? And of course Bosco was being protective.

People really can get my goat at times and I'm glad I'm at the age where I feel absolutely no shame or shyness saying what's on my mind although I do try and keep the tone within the law. :whistle:

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This reminds me of our trip to PetCo a couple of years ago. The humane society had camped out in the front of the store. When we entered. one of the volunteers asked, "Is that a cairn?"

After I answered, she said. "Ugh. I hate those dogs. I had a cairn once!"

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Sally....did I get that wrong? Was it a member of the Humane Society who said "ugh, I hate those dogs"?

If so, I now have even less faith in human mankind. May dogs rule heaven. :halo:

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Oh my god, I would have been so ticked off!!! How did you keep from saying something!? I would definatley talk to the Manager. Heck we went a couple of weeks ago and both my girls peed in the middle of the main isle and the manager cleaned it up!!! I apologized all over the place but he was very nice.

I'm afraid I would have smacked that humane soc. worker!!!! As you see, I'm also at an age where I dont give a darn!!! LOL

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Reasons I didn't:

1. I was trying to keep my Wes (then a puppy) from climbing up my neck.

2. There were more of THEM than me.

3. The woman looked like an overweight Godzilla.

4. Manager? I don't think this petco HAS a manager! They have lower prices on the shelves than in the computer. So not only do I have to watch Wes in there, I have to watch the register!

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Thanks everyone, I certainly feel better. We felt like such castouts, wtih the shepherd's owner making cuckoo/crazy hand signals and faces about us to other pet owners, and with the Petsmart employee making that comment about Bosco. :( :(

And Bosco definitely is not a bad dog - he gets excited when he is in a new place and loves loves loves people, and gets barky when he sees other dogs. He was excited barky when he saw the shepherd, but became snappy barky when the shepherd jumped on my mom and right up to Bosco (we make sure we hold Bosco when we see other dogs, unless we are sure they are friendly or are around the same size as our pup).

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Yes.  She had crutches.  Maybe her cairn had gotten even with her.



I needed that.

This hasn't been the best morning. I fell asleep watching the morning news in my recliner with my coffee cup in my hand- :shock: Yeah, cold coffee on my lap pretty much woke me up.

LOL Tracy

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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That PetSmart employee needed some Midol! Or a muzzle!! Bosco is a dog, get over it. Savannah has been to PetSmart a bunch (she is taking a training class there) and everytime, she wiggles and gets excited. There are new people, new dogs, new smells, and new sounds there! What can you expect! I have seen many dogs act A LOT worse than that there.

Our PetSmart employees have always been really nice. Last night before Savannah's class, we got there early to get her a Kong bisquit ball (which she LOVES by the way). While we were checking out, the lady at the register asked if she could see Savannah's hair, so I picked her up so she could see her. The lady laughed and said how cool her coat is. I must admit, she looks very unusual right now. The tips of her hair are wheaten, the middle is grey, the ends are now turning red. LOL. I emailed our breeder and it appears that between Savannah's parents and grandparents, she had one of EVERY COLOR Cairn imaginable in her pedigree! There is no telling what color she will decide to stay! I tell everyone that she is trying out blonde, brunette and red head to see which one really does have more fun! I will have to see if I can get a close up of her coat to post.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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We haven't had the opportunity to visit our local Petco - can't say I'm really anxious after hearing of your experience. I may have to go - curious as to how much uproar Rusty can bring .........let's go give the Petco manager some advanced "manager training" - Cairn style. We like to support our local feed/animal store - and are always greeted and welcome.

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Thank goodness my pup didnt act "abnormal" - the way the Petsmart employee and the shepherd's owner was reacting, it was as if my pup escaped from the loony bin! :( And really, my pup is super sweet and super friendly except around big dogs. :(

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We took Grace and Spike to our local Petco about a month ago. Spike loved it and rode in the cart with his little black brindle head peeking over the top sniffing the open bins of biscuits...Our Grace, on the other hand, started barking wildly at the other dogs there(all huge ones, I might add...)but her tail was about to wag off she was so excited. Everyone just smiled at her. I guess because she was this little bit of a thing acting like she owned the place. Well, she is a Cairn. :devil:

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I had to laugh at your comment "may dogs rule heaven", and thought of this quote:

"If there are no dogs in Heaven,

then when I die I want to go

where they went."

Will Rogers, 1897-1935


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Guest girliejr
This reminds me of our trip to PetCo a couple of years ago.  The humane society had camped out in the front of the store.  When we entered. one of the volunteers asked, "Is that a cairn?"

After I answered, she said.  "Ugh.  I hate those dogs.  I had a cairn once!"


I think I might have had a few choice words for this woman! It's a good thing this didn't happen to me, "Godzilla" would have probably kicked my *#@!! :P

I'm sorry about your Petsmart experience, Milopup. I'm sure Bosco isn't a bad dog! Try it again and maybe Bosco will get used to the outings and not so excited. Good luck!

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