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wish us luck.....


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All us Texas across the coast need your prayers for the upcomming Hurricane Rita.

Hubby and I will be taking the girls and staying at our place of business starting Thursday. Our home is only 30 miles North of Galveston. I sure hope we don't lose everything in this storm. I'll post in the upcoming days if internet is available.

My work is shutting down today as of noon (we are located in Clear Lake - I work for a NASA subcontractor)

Hope to talk to yall soon. :(

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We hope the very best for you and your family and all of Texas. I hope for everyone involved that the Hurricane dies down and that everyone's homes, belongings and themselves are safe from this storm.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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I'll be hoping for the best and keeping good thoughts for you and your family. Stay safe and try and keep us posted. You know how we all worry around here.

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Good luck, we are all thinking of you and your family. If you need anything please let us know, I know everyone will want to pitch in. Until then, be safe and as soon as you can let us know you are okay.

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Be safe Terri! I am praying that this one will die down and not be as bad as they are predicting. Please try and keep us posted if possible. We will all be worried sick about you and your babies until we get word from you! :pray:

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My family and I will definitely be keeping you and all of Texas in our prayers. Be safe, give the pups hugs and kisses from all of us. Make sure you tell them they're not in Kansas and the wicked witch isn't going to get them, okay???

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Guest posting as: Teri9672

We made it to the shop last night. We are just getting things ready here. We have 1 other friend staying with us. The girls are in the upstairs area barking. Tabitha is very nervous but Teona just wants to play ball...........LOL

I'll be breaking down the computer tomorrow so I'll be offline until after this is all over. Thanks for all the prayes and happy thoughts.

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Saying a prayer that it's not as bad as they predict. Your family, as well as many other Texas and Lousiana families will be in my prayers. Good luck!

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