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Update on Gidget's Big Sister


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I just wanted to post a update regarding my post the other day. Greta continued to go downhill so I called my vet's office and she said to bring her right in. I took yesterday afternoon off and took her in.

Her motor functions had decreased so badly that when I took her outside Sunday night she took a couple of steps, stopped, and fell backward to the ground. She didn't even try to get up. It was if her brain wasn't telling her that she had fallen and she needed to try to get up. Needless to say, what a scare that gave me.

The vet was very thurough and had decided that this isn't at all her arthritis. It is most likely something called interverterbral disk disease and also he thinks she may have either a leision or swelling of her brain stem. This would cause her motor skills to be affected, because the signals weren't getting back to her brain to tell her feet and legs to move. It is only her right side that is affected. Even the pupil dialation of her right eye isn't working properly.

He has sent blood work off for a complete culture to be sure she doesn't have a infection, cancer or liver problems. He gave her a big injection of steroids and a prescription for steroids, antibiotics and muscle relaxers.

This morning she got up by herself and walked to the back door. I took her out to potty and she walked much better. At lunch she actually came back upon the deck by herself.

The bloodwork results should be back in by Thursday and I'm praying it isn't anything more serious (how could it be). He said that the steroids should keep the swelling down so that her brain can function normally.

Sorry so long, but a few of you were very concerned and know what I'm going thru. Lots of tears and prayers.

Thanks for your concerns and love sent to her.

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I am still praying for Greta. Hopefully the vet will find out what it is and how to help make her well. Please keep us posted! :pray:

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I'm glad she's doing better after her medication, I hope her test results come back as best as possible and whatever they find will be something treatable so she will be confortable/happy! Thinking of you all.


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