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You sure have beautiful babies. I loved the way Rebel plays with Sug. I want another Cairn for my Skeeter.

BTW, there was no audio in the videos or at least I couldn't hear a thing (and I even checked my pc audio and is working fine).

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Thanks for sharing - loved the videos and your accent. Could hear it loud and clear here in New Zealand!

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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I just love the videos. I made my dh come watch them and he was jealous of how well behaved your three were on the couch. WOW. That is impressive. My hubby promptly said, "Come one Crunch...time to practice (for obedience class)." :lol:

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I just got all three of my "girls" quiet for the evening and came back to the office to catch up on emails and computer time. Of course I logged into Cairn Talk and found your post first. The moment I played the first video, my Cairns heard your voice and started barking. :D They must have thought that they were missing out on something. I loved your videos! You did great for a first try and obviously have more time to play than I do. :crybaby: I love the one of your three on the couch. You have beautiful "kids". :wub:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Oh that was so much fun to watch. Thank you for sharing those with us! As someone said to you before in a prior post "you must drug your dogs" to get them to be so well behaved for you.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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That was wonderful.....thank you so much for the entertainment.

My Cairns started barking too when I started playing it. Could it be jealousy because they're not on the monitor? :lol:

Gorgeous family and such well-behaved Cairns...I really enjoyed it.

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I logged on early this morning but I hate to wait until I got home to watch them!

Those are great!!! I think Sugar looked like she was starting to do "down" just like her big brothers. I want another Cairn SO bad!

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Ha ha ha... I love the sneeze at the end of Rebel's jumps! So funny. I still (unforutnatley) did not get sound. Oh well, they are still neat videos to watch!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Oh well, no help here. That brings up a page with an embedded video which plays just fine in both my browsers (Firefox and IE). Do you get the 'connecting to media .... buffering .... ready' message along the bottom of the player? Do you get the embedded player at all? That web page's help page under "playing videos" suggests using Windows Media Player 10.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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This info was on the website where her files is hosted:

Playing Videos

What do I need to play videos / I can't seem to play a video, what's wrong ?

For most of the streaming videos (You can select streaming option under video) on our site, it would be best to install Windows Media Player 10 from following location:


Hope this helps. I hate for anyone to miss these cute videos! :D

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I got it to work...yea!!! Such neat videos!!! And such good looking...smart dogs!

I applied to this site several days ago but haven't heard back yet. Did you take the video with your camera or video camera? I'd love to try it!

btw...I had to use IE in order to view it.

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