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Shadow's Pictures

Guest rottndobie

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Guest rottndobie

What you all have been waiting for..LOL. I just this week got the

kilt I ordered on e-bay and I must say - it is simply beautiful and

beautifully made. If anyone is thinking about ordering anything from

this person, I urge you to do so - E-bay - bypupstuff. Soon as she puts up her winter coats I will be getting one from her. I also added pics of the trench

coat I got at Target a while back. If I do say so myself, he cuts a

rather dashing figure..LOL.

Here is the link to view:


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Great Pictures. I love the Kilt! My son works at Target and said they had some neat stuff...I guess I will go check it out


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Kilt is so adorable - I'm tempted. Saw a great little corduroy coat at Target yesterday - and after seeing these cute pics - I'm on my way back to buy it. Shadow you are dashing!

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What a handsome fellow! He will certainly have all the ladies heads turning! :D

Edited to add: Target is where I got Savannah's princess costume (picture in another thread). It was cute and only $4.99. I figured at least if she tore it up, I wasn't out a lot of money. They had some really cute outfits very reasonable priced.

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Just wondering did the Kilt maker have a website?


No, not to my knowledge. Only showcases her stuff on e-bay. She said she was going to be putting up some winter coats - i'm waiting for them.

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Guest rottndobie
Just wondering did the Kilt maker have a website?


No, not to my knowledge. Only showcases her stuff on e-bay. She said she was going to be putting up some winter coats - i'm waiting for them.


That was from me - sorry, forgot to login..LOL

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Guest rottndobie
Kilt is so adorable - I'm tempted.  Saw a great little corduroy coat at Target yesterday - and after seeing these cute pics - I'm on my way back to buy it.  Shadow you are dashing!


It that is the one I saw there a couple weeks ago - it is adorable. I too am thinking about getting it. Their prices are very resonable.

Can't wait to see pics of your guy in it..

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