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4 cairns

Guest Frank

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Hi everyone. I have a 12 year old laid back female cairn. I also have 2, 2 year old male and female cairns. Thinking of getting a 10 week old male puppy. Just wondering what everyone thinks of this combo. I just would worry about the 2 males fighting. Has anyone had situations like this? My male is a big puppy with a great personality.

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Gosh I just got my third dog Cairn male, Pug male, and Cairn Female. I think it depends on the dogs. If my husband would let me I would get another male Cairn.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Oh....4 Cairns!! I agree it depends on the dogs and their personalities.

In my case, my 2 females always got along great but it's my male that stirs things up as he's a jealous little guy at times.

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I agree with the others We have two males that are a year apart in age. When we adopted Scruffy he has a very submissive personality and gets along great with Abe. I would suggest taking your family to meet the new pup before any commitment was made. At first Abe and Scruffy kept their distance but within a month they became best buds.

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