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Feeding/Grooming Assistance Please


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Hello All, I've been feeding Simba (13 weeks now) a mix combo of Canidae dry and Canidae wet two times per day. He really seems to love it. When it was just dry food he just seemed to pick at it. Simba usually gets a 1/2 cup of mix in the AM and 1/2 cup of mix in the evening. Is this too much and is the dry/wet mix a bad/good idea?

Also, seems like he has a hard time seeing with his long hairs around his eyes. Is this normal or should I have it trimmed. It's hard to tell from all the diffrent pics of Cairn I've seen? When should he be profesinnaly groomed? Thanks for all you HELP!



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I also mix a tad of canned food into my crews Canidae. It just looks so much more appealing to me!!

They say to feed puppies 3x a day but the amounts can vary. I gave Elliott about 1/3 cup 3x a day until he was around 6 months. They will usually tell you when the mid-day meal is not wanted by picking at it or losing interest.

I am guilty of cutting those hairs that grow off the top part of their noses into their eyes. I have one Cairn who gets major eye problems and my vet recommended keeping those annoying hairs out of their eyes to avoid irritation. I clip them with sissors and then just use thinning shears to make it look natural.

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