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The latest stuffed Cairn I found


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That is cute except for the nose. It looks green? The ears also make me want to get my scissors out. Yes, I usually use scissors..busted.

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WHolly cow, what did they do to that nose!!! I did a close up of it, it almost looks like ribbon. I'd take a permanent fabric pen and recolor it....then it would be cute. I wonder what they were thinking???

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That is really cute (except the nose). I like the Dorothy costume too. I thought we had the perfect Halloween costume this year. I wanted to dress my 3 year old as Dorothy and Angus looks just like Toto. I have a 16 month old also...we were thinking maybe one of the flying monkeys...lol. Unfortunately, everytime I bring it up, my 3 year old tells me that "Angus can be Toto and I'll be a giraffe!" Oh well, maybe next year.


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I thought it would be sorta funny to be Dorthy & toto too...Dori looks like Toto also. I always go out with my grandkids when they trick or treat, so it's always fun to dress up with them, they love it. We have a witch costume too, my daughter could be her. Dont think I'd get Mitch to be a flying monkey though, he'd want to be a power ranger..ugh! Would be a hoot though for sure.

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