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The Camping (sorta) Cairns!

Guest mrskti

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Well we decided to take the motor home out for a couple of days to get use to it again before we head to florida next week. Got a few cute shots of the girls....

Ellie decided she wanted to be in charge of the controls.....


Dori wanted to be head of security, so she was playing guard dog!


The both thought they were gonna get the big bed! NOT!!!!


We had to move the crate to the bedroom, and being very nervous that Ellie would decide to pee while we were preoccupied....we found the perfect place for her!!! We call it Ellie jail.... Her expression looks pathetic!!


They did get to go for some walks, but there were a lot of gopher holes around and they went nuts going from one to the other....


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Now i would love that! We're staying in Valdosta next saturday. Do you ever go to Fort WIlderness at WDW? We love it there. Going there for 3 days after the Keys.

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That sure looks like fun. I love the "jail" pic. We won't be in a camper, but we're heading to N.C. next month to stay in a log cabin. I just love traveling w/ pets.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Thanks, we have fun with them. We Have fun taking them to Fort Wilderness at Disney, we take them for rides on the golf cart.

Beth a log cabin sounds fun....maybe sometime we'll run into each other!

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