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A Prayer for Gidget's Sissy


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Gidget and I would like to ask for your prayers for her big sister Greta.

Greta is my 12 yr old Min. Schnauzer. She has Osteoarthritis and has taken

medication before. She's been fine for a long time and suddenly last Sunday while the girls were staying with their Grandparents Greta had a very hard time getting up after a nap. My Mom and Dad thought that her leg had fallen asleep too, but it didn't improve. She has gone down hill very quickly. The vet gave me some Deramaxx but it hasn't seemed to help much. Going to have to call the vet tomorrow to get some more Rimadyl.

She's so pitiful and it breaks my heart to think she's in pain. Her appetite is non exhistant and I have to coax her to eat anything.

Gidget is so distraught because she doesn't understand why sissy won't play with her. She's very sweet though. Each morning when we wake she jumps off the bed and runs to the livingroom, bounces and barks at Greta as if to say. Mornin' Sissy, It's time to get up and go potty.

When it comes to going outside, I have to carry her off of the deck and set yer down in the yard. When she finishes, she limps back to the bottom step and stand and waits for me to pick her up and bring her back in the house. It makes me tear up just to think about it.

Sorry so long, but I just had to for my second family's prayers. It's so hard to go thru alone. Those of you who have had elderly dogs know what I'm talking about.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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I will surely say a prayer for sweet Greta.

I just lost my precious little girl, Toto, a week ago. It really is hard watching an elderly dog decline.

Hopefully, her vet will be able to give her something stronger to relieve her discomfort.

Please keep us updated,


Cathy and Piper

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I just wanted to share this painting that I (mom of abe and scruf) did a couple of years ago, after my collie passed away. I just about went nuts, this dog was remarkable. She was like a child, my best friend, and mary poppins all rolled into one. I could tell you so many stories about how she helped me care for my twins! I will share one: my twins were famous of splitting and heading in opposite directions, so Lassie got into a habit of every time my son Shaun would 'take off' she would chase him, so that I could grab his sister. She would either grab him by his wrist with her mouth without EVER hurting him, or if she was unable to hold him (and I guess she did this next option to keep from accidently biting him) she would knock him down and sit on him, so he could not get away!!! I swear this is true. No one believed me until they saw her do it. Of course, because he was such a little wild man, she took it upon herself to attach herself to him everywhere he went. He would get frustrated sometimes, but what a sight to see. Made my heart melt.

Even after Shaun was older and in his teens, every time he went outside, she would bark and look at the door, and run around him, as if to say......."mom, mom, do you know our son is out here on the loose??!!" We all shared many laughs over that.


It is difficult to talk about her, but painting this picture was one of the greatest pleasures for me. I look at it often and keep it in my room, it is a tribute to a four legged lady, who was my best friend.

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I said all that to say, that I will be thinking of you and Greta and saying a little extra prayer for you all.

I got so caught up in story telling I forgot to add that to the reply.

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I think Gidget and I are sisters too, Gidget/Brigette-a lot of people call me that. So tell Gidget that her other sister is thinking of her Greta. Greta probably enjoys being entertained by Gidget's antics in her old age and I'm sure she makes her smile.

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I will say a prayer for both you and Greta.

My Winnie is 12 and I know how hard it is to see them age and witness their lack of passion for the things they used to love doing.

There may be something else that the vet can give to help with Greta's discomfort. Keep us posted.

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My prayers to you and precious Greta. Like Abe's dad, I was devasted when my beloved Springer Spaniel Chelsea passed two years ago. She 10 1/2, fine one day, and very ill the next. I still miss her, but my Duffy and Mickey are wonderful dogs and we love them very much. I hope that Greta's health will improve.


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Oh poor Greta, we went through it with Murphy, or golden. It does break your heart to see them decline. Extra treats for her.....

Abesdad...great painting....and lovely story.

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It goes without saying that lots of :pray: will be head "upstairs" for Greta. I remember the pain, all too greatly, of watching an older dog decline.

Abe'sdad, what a beautiful, calming picture. That story was fascinating.

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