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Talks in His Sleep


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I was lonely the other night becaue the dh is on a trip, so I let the pups sleep with me. Well, THEY got plenty of sleep...I woke up every two seconds wondering if one of them was messing on the rug, or because Elsa wanted to lie ON my legs :mad: or because Connor decided to barf in the middle of the night :sick: or because Connor snuffled at my neck four different times to give kisses :wub: or because Connor talks in his sleep, in his Wookie-voice, thusly:


Back to the crates they went! Maybe when they are older....my Westie was a good ol bed bug!

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So funny! We let Darcy sleep on the bed on the weekends... after I tested out letting her sleep wth us after my husband went on a trip too. She is so funny to sleep with as she has to usually start her sleep pattern ON someone too. She always sleeps at the foot of the bed though. The kisses in the middle of the night are so sweet though. She might do it once or twice a night and we think it's just to remind us that she's there so we don't send her flying off the bed with a violent roll or shift of our bodies.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Gidget sleeps in bed with me every night now. She doesn't talk in her sleep (I do that) :lol: She makes the sweetest little noises. When she rearanges or moves she will make a little moan or humm noise. She is a good girl in bed now, but I've had my share of accidents too. One night I got up to go the the bathroom and when I came back in the dark I had a nice wet surprise. :mad: I hate changing sheets at 3:00 am.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Finch and Scout sleep with us and Scout "talks" in her sleep...she also "runs" while sleeping too! We sleep with a fan, for white "noise", so we don't hear all the "talk", sighs, and other noises they make...although we sometimes get kisses in the middle of the night! LOL!

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Guest girliejr

I am so lucky that Jack has never been a problem sleeper! He will sleep as late as I want, he doesn't make a peep all night, and he never cries or whines in the night! Now, he isn't so "perfect" in other areas, mind you! He is still a Cairn! :devil:

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The MOST adorable thing about Darcy is that she let's out really big huffy sighs when she is either trying to go to sleep, or when we are "keeping her up". It's one of those sighs that sounds like she's trying to convey that she's fed up or exhausted.

Darcy also "runs" and barks in her sleep... it's so cute cause it's higher pitched than her normal bark, and very muffled sounding. Cracks us up! We have to assume she's either chasing after bunnies or birdies in her dreams.

As of recent her new thing is to wake up around 3am-ish and whine really lightly. We believe that is her new cue of "Hey guys... I'm getting kinda cold down here in my crate.... can I come up there with you?" As soon as I let her out, she's on the bed curling up in a ball immediately. Pretty cute.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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