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funny cairns


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My Toby goes in his crate everynight and never gives a peep. Well, last night about half and hour after we went to bed, He kept on barking and barking, so after I roused myself out of the bed to take him out if so needed, there he was looking out of the crate at a moth or something right outside of it. He just HAD to catch that moth! So i let him go after it, he ate it, :sick: and went back to bed. How silly they can be , and so darned cute. :wub:

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Too funny!!

My Piper loves to bug hunt!

Just last week, he chomped one of those HUGE bumblebees. I thought for sure he had gotten stung in the mouth. Before I knew it, he just gulped it down, though.

He also loves June bugs. They flit around the backporch light and he almost behaves cat-like with them....pawing, playing with them. Then he eats them.......eeewww!


Cathy and Piper

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Eli, here! What's weird about eating bugs?? Have you Up-Rights ever tried one? I like to play with ANTS! I mess with them, chomp them, spit 'em out, and then do it again! Try it. It's more fun than Animal Planet! Although I do like that "Funniest Animal" show.



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What about crickets, for some reason we seem to be having a lot of them this year. Last night on our last out we couldn't take care of business because we were too busy hunting down crickets! Worms are also part of the menu ugh!

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Do THAT'S where our crickets went this year! Last year we had hundreds. They were under the couch, under the beds, in the washing machine...

All night the house was chirping. No one could sleep.

Guess who brought them all in? :devil:

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Oh my gosh... such a great post! Darcy is a HUGE moth hunter.... she catches them in the yard with both paws and then gobbles them down. So darn funny! She loves just about anything that movfes or squirms on the ground or in the grass. These puppies of ours are just so great! They keep us entertained for hours!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Twice, that i know of, Toby has caught bullfrogs. He didn't "hurt" them, the got them up by the back door and had them in his mouth, One at a time that is, lol, and they must have peed , cause he dropped them and spit...of course I was frantically trying to get them from him at the time. I guess they have their own defense mechanisms.

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Watch out for toads! They are poisonous. But so much fun. I have two dogs a big one and a Cairn. Tess, the big one , will catch a toad then spit it right out,shaking her head, frothing at the mouth. Chi,the Cairn, just barks and leaps on them - wow ,is she smart - only has to see her big sis froth twice and she knows not to bite (and no matter how many times her sis will always bite one)!

I don't know if frogs secrete the same stuff but esp. with little dogs toads are dangerous.

Does anyone else's dog dance around after flying things out in the yard? I love when someone is here that hasn't seen Chi chase a flying critter and Chi starts out back. You can't see what she's chasing and they think she's nuts jumping up in the air and twisting around.

I love all I learn on this forum. Also it's nice to know that my little dog is a typical Cairn and not an alien from some far off planet.

Thank youguys so much.


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Teona loves june bugs and dead earth worms.

She has a blast outside chasing butterflies, wasps, dragonflies, doves and lately she is having a fit trying to catch the hummingbirds.

She even tries to chase the airplanes when they fly over the house (we are near a small airport)


Oh and she seems to think that the treefrogs are barking at her so she always barks back :whistle:

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Finch loves all bugs and "hops" all around the yard when it's dark outside......last potty break has been a challenge .......should I chase bugs.....or potty...chase bugs....or potty???

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Guest girliejr

Jack was my hero recently when he killed a little lizzard for me! We have those "clear" lizzards and I guess one got in the house (they are really small and clear, you can see their insides through their bodies :sick: ). They run really fast, so I didn't want to try to catch it, but Jack found it and "played" with it until it's tail fell off (which kept moving, by the way!). Finally, the little lizzard died and Jack was my hero. I think Jack is still wondering why I picked up the lizzard and flushed it down the toilet....I think he wanted to eat it! :sick: I was just glad he killed it!! :D

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I'm glad to hear that others have 'bug obsessed' dogs.

Cicada's seem to be the delicacy, and moths the everyday snack.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Oh my gosh, the moths!!! Ellie and dori will hardly go potty at night cause of those darn little moths hiding in the grass!! They go wonky over them, they leap up in the air chasing them, it's really fun to watch.

And Dori has a thing about the birds...she's crazy!!!

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Isn't that funny, Alfie was also barking at me yesterday. I thought he wanted to go potty outside but he was looking up, and he was looking at a moth! His bark to me sounded angry, like why am I not paying attention to him (I was cooking dinner). :lol:

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Digby ate a Toad once, did the same thing, frothed at the mouth and shook his head. Got frustrated at it because he couldn't figure it out. Now he thinks anything that doesn't fly could potentially have that horrid Toad taste, and always drools all over it and shakes his head. Nothing wrong with being a little cautious. :D

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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Oh you guys!!! This has been one heck of a funny posting! I've loved reading everyone's stories of their Cairn's romps in the yard/house with the bug/frog/lizard stories. My tummy hurts from laughing so hard!!!

Darcy has become our exterminator.... she has been finding small little bugs in the house and eating them. (They are all moving into the house as it has been cooler here with fall approaching).

What's the funniest, is how all of our "little one" like to "play" with their prey.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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If a fly ever gets in this house, there's no need for a fly swatter. :D Bitter taste and frothing at the mouth doesn't stop Kiara from going after toads. If she spots one outside and I make her come in, she'll wait a little while and then pretend she has to go out. As soon as I take her out, she immediately runs to the place she last saw the toad. Now Hannah chases after baby toads. :mad: I guess they're true Cairns, unlike my Abbey. Just getting the squeaker out of a toy is her goal in life. She'll have nothing to do w/ bugs or toads. Talk about a girlie girl. :)

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I think Teona and Savannah may be sisters! Savannah is obsessed with "guarding" the hummingbird feeder as well. She also barks at airplanes and jumps up like she thinks she may actually catch one. Other bugs that Savannah likes: moths, bettles and grasshoppers!


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Darcy and Molly chase grasshoppers. They (grasshoppers) sometimes wind up on the deck at night and the girls go crazy.

Also, Darcy has enjoyed our abundance of hummingbirds too. She will tolerate their buzzing and chirping for awhile and then I guess it begins to get on her nerves cuz she starts scratching at the door to come inside, shaking her head and acting like something is after her. Maybe one of the hummers got too close to her.

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Ohhhhh, that picture is just too precious!

Actually, I've come to accept nightfall as a "playtime" for Madison & Elliott. We turn on the deck light and let them go to town.

Do you think it's a Cairn thing or do other breeds get into it too?

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Last night I spotted a cricket jumping around the living room. But I lost him. So I yelled for Wes to find it. He did right away. I whacked the cricket and gave Wes a cottage cheese reward.

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Do you think it's a Cairn thing or do other breeds get into it too?


I can't speak for all breeds, but I think it might be a terrier thing. My Lab and Aussie could care less about bugs, toads or snakes. My Lab will even go as far as to touch his nose to a toad as if to say "hi". Cairns have that inner driven instinct to hunt and they're serious about it. Kiara just about took all of the bark off of a pine tree to get to a lizard that was out of her reach.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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