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Last Swimming days of summer

Guest mrskti

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While Ellie is getting all the swim time possible, Dori is hanging back wondering what the heck she sees in that pool anyway!!! The actual shot of the dive would be a good one for the calendar maybe....


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CUTE!!!! So funny home some of them love the water and others don't! Looks like she is having the time of her life!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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OMG!! That is so neat how you set up those pics like a movie!!! I can't believe Ellie jumps in like that!!

Bet you are really glad you didn't fill in that swimming pool this year, heh??

I wanna see more, more, more!!


Cathy and Piper

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SHe is fun in the pool, almost to being obnoxious!!! I love the leap she made, such a big one! Next year we'll be working on going off the diving board.

Andyes, we're very glad we didnt fill the pool in!!!! :P

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Cute video! How the heck did you do it???

It IS funny how some Cairns love water and some don't. Finch didn't like the water at the beginning of the summer, but now she loves it! I don't know about a huge pool...but she loves her kiddie pool. LOL!

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LOL!! I thought something was wrong with my eyes. That's terrific how you did that.

I would just love to see how Scully would be in a pool like that. Heck, I'D love to have the pool.

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The pictures are just four shots made into an animated gif file. Easy really, although my daughter did it for me cause I didnt have the program anymore.

I have more shots from our short camping trip we're on. I'll post them when we get home tomorrow, for some reason snapfist wont work on here, at least I cant figure it out. Got some cute shots of them. Even an Ellie in jail shot.....

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