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Very Depressed


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Brad, I apologize if this is off topic.

Last week I volunteered several days at the emergency animal shelter here in Gonzales. There were a couple hundred dogs there at the time, most of them brought in either with the evacuees or right after the hurricane. I wasn't able to volunteer the rest of the week because I had to work one day and then ds got a concussion and had to stay home.

Today I showed up at 8:30 to find a sight so completely overwhelming that I couldn't fathom it. Picture a very large exposition arena. Then there are large, open livestock barns along the back. Seven of them. Each one houses about 300-400 dogs. When I went last week, they were using two of the barns, and they weren't full. Today they were using six of them.

The back parking lot used to be fairly empty, with only the vehicles of the volunteers there. Today, it was a sea of motor homes from different animal rescue groups, the Humane Society and ASPCA, Animal Planet, etc.

Inside are thousands of dogs. The barn I was assigned to housed several hundred, all under 30 day quarantine because they'd been pulled from the fetid and contaminated water. Their eyes are all runny with infection, the majority of them have diarrhea. They all want out, and they don't understand why they are there.

My job initially was to pair up with another woman and work one row of dogs together. I walked them while she cleaned the kennel, changed the water, and gave them food. No problem. We checked the intake sheet for each dog, initialing them as each task was completed. The shocking thing was that none of these tasks had been done since 4pm the following day! Most of the dogs had not been able to hold their waste and either crouched in a corner to avoid soiling themselves, or were too weak to even do that.

We worked constantly, not even taking a bathroom break, until 1pm. We finished the last dog at that time. There are so many dogs, too many for the amount of workers there. There aren't enough volunteers. They can't put the dogs up for adoption or even foster homes because of the quarantine. And they were dropping off more dogs as I was leaving.

I left there feeling guilty for leaving. I broke down and cried, and I continue to cry. I looked at those dogs and thought, that could be Tucker or Scruffy or Rocky. These are people's pets. It would break my heart to think of my dogs there. But the alternative is so much worse.

I know this is long and rambling, and I apologize for that. But I think the one thing I can pass on to all of you is the absolute importance of making a plan for your animals. In times of disaster, illness, or even in the event of your death, do you know what will become of them? If not, I urge you all to think about it and make that plan now.

Thanks for listening


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I think that it is a wonderful thing that you are doing. This post just broke my heart though. I wish that I lived closer and I would come volunteer with you. I have made my donation to the Red Cross for the people victims of hurricane Katrina; however, I also made a donation for the animal victims as well. What is it that this shelter needs? Food, meds, money, ? Is there a where that we can donate to ensure that any items sent go to this particular shelter?

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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(((Hugs))) Thela......Bless your heart!

I had planned to take a break from the forum and just lurk since we lost our little Toto Thursday. But, I saw this and it just breaks my heart :( .

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help....anything.


Cathy and Piper

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God bless you for what you are doing to help but most of all, thank you for reminding us that "there for the grace of God, go you or I". As a dog lover, I can only imagine how heartbreaking it is for you to see this and for the owners of these dogs who must be worried sick about where their pets are, and for these poor dogs themselves who have no idea what is going on. This disaster has taken its toll in so many ways that I do not believe that we have yet to see the full impact and/or consequences. One thing I know for sure is that we all must learn from this chaos. I for one do have plans for my pets in case of a disaster here in CA. I wish I was there to help!


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Thela, may I enter some of your posting on a volunteer website that may be able to send help?

I will ony copy the general, relevant portions. Should I mention the Gonzales area?

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You should NOT feel guilty. You should feel extremely proud that you were able to make a difference in all those dogs lives. You DID something which says a lot. Those of us that aren't close enough can only make monitary donations, which does help... but sometimes it feels best to know you actually DID something. Congratulations to you for being strong and sticking to your commitment. I don't blame you for feeling sad. I'm certain it's a sight that a lot of us could not even believe until seeing it with our own eyes. God bless you for being such a giving person.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Thanks, everyone. I really don't want to go back tomorrow, but I will just because I know that if I don't, some of those dogs won't get walked and fed, simple as that. I couldn't live with myself.

Cathy, don't you dare stop posting here. You are still part of our family. I found so much comfort here after losing Zoe. Even tho I didn't have any stories to contribute, you have all those years of experience with a cairn that you can share with all of us relative newbies.

Sally, you can use whatever portion of my post that you want. If it can help these dogs, I'm all for it.


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Oh Thela, I'm praying right now that you have the strength to go back tomorrow. It's people like you who make a difference in these poor dog's life. I am so sorry for the human life lost, but I have this place in my heart for all the dogs who were left behind. Not a day goes by that I don't say a prayer for the pets and I rejoice in every happy reunion I read about. Today I read where the lady who was forced to leave all 4 of her pets behind (even offered her wedding ring to bring them w/ her) has been reunited w/ them (2 dogs, 1 cat & 1 guinea pig). I don't have the link, but I also saw the picture where Snowball has been found! :thumbsup:

For those of us who can't volunteer, we can contribute money. I gave to petfinders.com and also AVMA is accepting donations. Here's an article about them:

" Today, the AVMA Executive Board has allocated $500,000 in matching funds to solicit monetary donations for a fund established by the American Veterinary Medical Foundation to go toward disaster relief efforts in the Gulf States ravaged by Hurricane Katrina.

The board action initiated the immediate donation by the AVMA of $100,000 to encourage contributions from the veterinary community, public, and industry partners. Contributions to the fund exceeding $1 million will be used to aid in future disasters.

The fund will be used to cover costs associated with medical treatment for animals, animal care, AVMA Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams currently operating in storm-damaged areas, and the teams' supplies and equipment.

Donations to the fund should be designated for the "AVMF Animal Disaster Relief and Response Fund." Send checks to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, Department 20-1122, P.O. Box 5940, Carol Stream, IL 60197-5940; or donate online at www.avmf.org. "

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Thela....oh no!!

I sure wouldn't leave here forever!! You must have forgotten that I have Piper, aka Cujo, THE infamous possum killer!!!

As a matter of fact, life sure hasn't been dull around here the last two nights. He upped his ante from 8 possums to 10!!!!!!!!! Two nights in a row!!

My hair gets grayer by the minute.....


Cathy and Piper

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Thank goodness for people like you who go to volunteer. I can't even watch or read about the animals now without just sobbing. I wish I could foster a couple of dogs here in Canada but with my four pets and tiny house it is impossible so I made a donation to the ASPCA in hopes that it might help and am encouraging all my friends to do the same.

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There aren't enough "thank you's" in this world to appropriately show gratitude for what you are doing. You are doing amazing work and I know the blessings will come back to you tenfold.

Most times I can't even read about or listen to stories about the pets affected by the hurricane. My heart just breaks. I know there was a woman from my area that owns a shelter and she was going down with a huge truck to get as many dogs as she could. I'm hoping that they follow up on this so I can go volunteer or maybe adopt one.

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You are such a saint to the animals! I know here in Atlanta many of the shelters are full with pets from the disaster. I think that I will contact them and see what assistants they may need.

My boss took a group of deputies to help out and they have brought back some of the animals they rescued. One of the dogs is called J.P. after the parish they found him in.

I can't imagine life without the kindness of others. If there is any good to be had in this disaster it must be that people have started helping each other. You are doing a terrific job and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thanks and God Bless You



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Thela, you are doing wonderful work, it is so sad to see these pets on TV I imagine it must be even harder being there in person. Don't be depressed, you are doing something wonderful. If something ever happened to separate me and Kai-lee I wish someone like you could give her the love you are giving these poor pets.

Good Morning America just did an interview with a gentleman from the Humane Society, it showed a setting like what you described, and they had Gonzalez, LA under the picture so I think it must be where you were. It is a very sad situation, but thank God for people like you and the work you are doing. God bless you & your families!


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I'm just now seeing your post- :hug:

I don't know what I could say that hasn't already been said.

Pretty neat group of folks here, Ultra supportive!

I do wish I was closer though- So I could help.

Thela- try not to feel guilty, what you described was pretty intense- and unless you worked in animal control, I don't think anyone could be prepared for that. Remember to take care of yourself, and if its too much- then it's too much.


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Today was much better for me.

Somebody said that there is a moratorium on taking in more dogs, but they were unloading another truckload as I was leaving again today.

It's still overwhelming and overcrowded. But I was better able to stay focused on helping the dogs I could, and not dwell on the ones that I couldn't. I think the shock of yesterday helped steel me for my future work there.

Today I had a helper. The wife of one of dh's coworkers wanted to help. We were sent to the #2 barn, and it was more organized, but harder to get to the dogs. They were in horse stalls, three kennels to a stall. The smell was overwhelming. I let Emily do the walking while I did the dirty work since I had my apron and knew what to do.

I was cleaning one kennel when two men passed by and looked in, then continued walking. Emily was walking a dog. Suddenly, one of the men shouts, "That's my dog! That's my dog!" Long story short, they had driven all the way from Baker, LA to look in the shelters for his dogs. The man that was with him was a shelter worker who offered to drive him down here. The dog he was shouting about was the dog that Emily had, and was bringing back to the kennel. A few minutes later, and he would not have seen her with him. Then, he looks in the next stall and says, "That's my other dog! The Jack Russel there!" He called them by name and the dogs obviously knew him. It was so wonderful to see.

There was a camera crew and a reporter at the end of the hall doing a report on the shelter, so I ran down there and asked if they wanted to see a haappy ending. They couldn't wait to get it on film. I don't know what news crew, network, etc. they were with. But if you see a story about a man finding his two dogs, one a brindle cattle dog mix and the other a JRT, if you see a short woman in a white baseball hat and purple apron in the background, that's me.

It was a good ending to my day there.


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I'm so glad to hear a happy ending, there were tears dropping onto my keyboard as I was reading your story. If there is something we could do from our far away locations let us know. I dont know how well UPS or FedEx is able to get to your area, but if it would help for us to send dog food or anything else please let me know. Its really hard to sit here in Indiana and not be able to be on the front lines with you, but I'm with you in my prayers.

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I sit and read this and cry at the bad moments and then cry with the good ones too...I think you were blessed to see that reunion. I hope you realize that if it wasn't for you & others like you taking the time to work with these pets that reunion probably wouldn't have taken place.

You are doing something wonderful!

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Wheezie, can someone send donations to your shelter?

People are concerned about donating these days because the donations don't seem to be getting to the pets and folks that need them.



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