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New brother for Alfie (maybe)


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YAY! There is a big chance that Alfie will have a big brother, Toby. If our meeting works out and Alfie and Toby get along, we're taking him home!!! This is exciting for us!!! I won't say much for now because I don't want to jinx it....I'm just concerned about the same gender thing but with the help of a trainer we may be able to work through it....

Here's a picture of Toby, isn't he adorable???

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Toby sure is handsome! I have two females and don't have a problem...don't know if it's the same with two males....I hope they get along....let us know soon, ok?

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Absolutely, I'll let you know the outcome! The fact that we have Alfie put us on the top of the list of potential adopters. I'm so excited for both of them! I really want them to be buddies!!

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I hope it works out too, I read somewhere (maybe the Col. Potter's website?) that 2 males get along better than females.


I have to read up on that. Thanks for the tip!

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Guest rottndobie

Good Luck and I hope everything works out great - he is sure a cutie. I favor the boys myself. When I get another playmate for Shadow it will be a male...

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We have 2 Males the oldest is 2 years and the younger is one year old. when we first brought Scruffy home we had a few tense moments when we didn't think Abe was going to accept the new addition, but now they get along great. The biggest problem we have is what one don't think of to get into the other one does. Good luck you won't regret it 2 are twice as much fun as one.

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Thanks for everyone's positive thoughts! We are meeting on Saturday and will bring Alfie with us. It is about 60 miles away, a good 1 hr and 20 mins which isn't really bad considering some folks rescue other dogs that are 4 hours away. He is really a cutie pie. The 3 things I am most concerned about are urine marking, chewing, and fighting but I may be making a big deal out of nothing. His owner says Toby really is a great guy, gets along with other dogs; he just doesn't get along with their baby. I am already envisioning a household of fun and entertainment from the two! It will be a blast!

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Good luck! Toby is a cutie! I really hope that it works out for you. Please keep us posted!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Good luck! Let us know how things go. We keep talking about adding to the "family" in the next couple of years so I'm always interested in these addition posts!

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We finally visited Toby -- he is such a cutie pie! His owner really did a good job of molding him into a well-behaved dog around other folks. He gave us some time to walk around the neighborhood with Toby and Alfie together. Toby does not even pull on his leash! Alfie was so excited that he forgot everything he learned and was pulling and running. During those 20 minutes, they were great together. They even shared a bowl of water. We all thought they would be great buddies....


...his owner is still having second thoughts and has to make up his mind whether he'll give Toby to us or either one of two more interested people. We're on the top of his list because we have Alfie to keep Toby company. His owner is thinking that Alfie and Toby might be too much to handle, and so he might be better off in a household where he is the only pet. Rather than argue with him, I said it's totally up to him because it's clear that he cares where Toby goes....although personally, of course, I think it would be best for him to be with us....oh well...I'll keep you all posted. Anyway, we need time to give our attention to Alfie this week because he got attacked (again) by another big dog....I'll make a separate post on this....

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Yes, when will you find out??? And hopefully they'll realize that a buddy would be best for Toby. Good to hear the meeting went well between the 2 of them. Sharing water is a big thing!!! Darcy doesn't share water well at all.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Bad news for us...we are disappointed :(

Toby's owner decided to give him to somebody else where Toby will be the only pet. I think, because he saw Alfie's wounds from the Akita attack (I posted a separate topic on this), it scared him......oh well...my children do not know yet and they will be disappointed..... :(:(

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Oh, Anna. I am so sorry to hear that it didn't work out with Toby.

I didn't post on the other topic, the attack post. I really feel you need to report it to animal control. We had a similar incident happen a few years ago with our older Cairn, wounds and all. Our vet told us that if we didn't report it, he would, that under county laws, he was obligated. Plus, you really don't know if this has happened before with that Akita.

Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions,


Cathy and Piper

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I am so sorry that it didn't work out!! Maybe your family could rescue a dog from the Col. Potter web-site.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I was just looking at their website. We might just make a fenced-in area first because I just know that without it, we'll have a hard time getting approved. I was really hoping to get Toby so we can take our minds off the damn attack but...I guess it's not meant to be....sniff sniff

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