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Eli, here!


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HI, my name is Eli! I am 5 months old and I really like this website. I came to live with my Up-Rights the first week of July. I met with my new Up-Rights twice before I decided to go live with them. I wanted to make sure they had the right personality and temperament, if you know what I mean. It helped that the Alpha Up-Right was terrier savvy. She had had an Airedale before and was looking to down-size. Anyway, they seemed pretty OK, so I agreed to go live with them. Turned out to be a wise choice on my part. They have lots of toys and take me for lots of walks and stuff. The Alpha one IS sorta bossy. You know, telling me to SIT and STAY and stuff. And she's pretty unpredictable, too. One minute she's all "whoozagoodboy" and all that mushy stuff, the next she's all NONOWHADDAYADOING!!" Jeez, I'm just a pup! We used to spend a lot of time outside, waiting.... for something. Turns out she wants me to pee and poop out there! Well, OK, but is that something to get all excited about? I like to keep her guessing, like the time I pooped in the car when she ditched me to go into Walgreens! Ha! Good one, huh? These walks, turns out the ulterior motive is fitness for the Bossy One (who seems to have had a few biscuits, if you know what I mean) and part of the plot is to keep me tired so I don't get into stuff. The walks are fun, there's lots of sticks and leaves and stuff. Didja ever think you have found THE most wonderful stick, decide to carry it home, only to find one equally good or even better? And everytime I find a good one and try to bring it in the house, she TAKES IT AWAY FROM ME! Jeez, she should get her own! I'm pretty happy here, tho. I sleep well in my crate and stay there while she's at work. The crate isn't carpeted and doesn't have cable, but she gives me good things to chew. I'm getting "fixed" soon. Hey, I didn't know I was broken! I am brindle in color with a blackish muzzle and ear tips. I think I am quite handsome. And I weigh 12.7 pounds, which makes me quite the big boy, according to everyone at the vet. The Bossy One has not been having any luck posting a picture of me and her teen-aliens couldn't do it, either. They will keep trying. But you can imagine how good looking I am. We will keep in touch, the Bossy One says she's learned a lot about Cairns here. See ya!


Eli Hey, didja ever watch Animal Planet??

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Hi Eli!!! You are one super-duper puppy - and you're a darn good typist. Those Up-Rights must be really proud of you.

We hope the Bossy One can figure out how to do the pictures 'cause we LOVE pictures!

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Hey Eli! Welcome, and tell the Bossy One welcome, too!!! We love to hear more of your stories (can you tell us how you feel after you get fixed??)


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Hey, all you fellow Cairns! Thanks for the big welcome! Makes my tail thump. Let me tell you how to get on the computer. See, when your Up-Right is on the computer, ya got to the front (or back) door and BARK really ferociously, like something important is out there. While they are foolishly checking it out, jump up in the chair and off you go. Chances are they are already on the Cairn Forum. And if you are lucky they will get distracted looking in the 'fridgerator-thing or using that big white water chair thingy. This gives you a little time to post. Speaking of posts, have you guys ever heard of PEE-MAIL??!! I just found out about it. Seems that while out walking, all the dogs in the 'hood leave a message on the mail-box posts. You can read 'em and even REPLY! How cool is that? Who knew? More water, please!

Love and woof!


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Wow Eli,

You are a very intelligent Cairn, and a fabulous wrtier at that. You'd better get those Uprights of yours in line and show them how to post your picture soon!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Hi, Scully's mom! Can I talk to Scully? I would LOVE to have a government job! Do they give treats? Will work for food. Actually, I need a job. I heard the Bossy One say that getting me fixed and microchipped was gonna cost a fair amount of money and that I needed to get a job. Does the government have a Department of Yummy Sticks? I think I am qualified for that! Oh, and do they let you take naps? Handsome as I am, I still need my beauty sleep. Or maybe I should set my sights higher; I could be a Cabinet guy. You know, Secretary of Rompin', Stompin' and Chompin'. Doesn't that Bush (whatta name!) guy have a Scottie? Maybe I should Pee-mail him. Hmmmm........



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Hey, Rusty! I know what you mean about these Bossy Ones! Always trying to get the upper hand. Don't they realize we are TERRIERS!??! Ya gotta remember, we are just as smart as they are and a WHOLE lot quicker! If we had apposable thumbs, we could rule the world! Sigh. I have found that things do go a bit easier all around if I go along with that Alpha Up-Right, just to humor her, ya know. If she's not happy, no one is happy. And if she's happy, I get more belly rubs. I LOVE belly rubs! You know that little spot that makes your leg go nuts? I know you do! Don'tcha love that? Mmmmmmm.......... Anyway, That's why I'm posting. I need hints from you other Cairns about how to keep them guessing!


Eli (or is it NO-NO?)

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Welcome Eli. My name is Savannah and I am 8 months old. You sound very handsome and boy do you sound like a big strong fella! I am only 14 pounds but us ladies must watch our figures! The bossy one's sure know how to put an end to your fun, huh? Constant nagging, "No barking", "Don't chew on that", "Get down", "Don't eat that", and on and on.... One tip for you. You can do all that fun stuff while the bossy one isn't looking (like when she is fussing at that fun man for not washing the dishes like she told him too) and then give her a real cute look when she finds what you did. She won't get as mad when you look at her real cute with puppy dogs eyes! It won't take long and you will have the bossy one trained very well. Oh, yeah. And I kinda like the teen aliens, they sleep all day and want to play all night, just like me!!! Great to talk to you and again welcome!


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Hi Eli, it's Scully. I'm two years old and one of my favoritest things is making my mommy's hair turn gray. Another Cairn used to live here for a long long time and my mommy's heart had a big hole in it after that Cairn went away. My mommy looks awfully happy now!

You would like it at my mommy's work. They have two BIG dogs there but my mommy says they are very very nice - if you like German Sheperds that is. Mommy, Aunt Leanne and Aunt MaryAnne all have boxes of treats at their desks and they play with those "other" dogs and give them hugs and kisses.

I'm not really jealous 'cause my mommy has a lot of love to give all kinds of doggies. I think that me, you, and the other Cairns here would make great government dogs. I MUST be a law enforcement dog 'cause I always try to get some of my mom's doughnuts and daddy says that's what makes a true law enforcement dog. I'm sure they have nap time 'cause daddy says another sign of a government worker is somebody that can take 4 hour lunches. My daddy's silly!

Well, I have to go make grandmom get up out of her chair again and make her think I have to go potty. Somebody HAS to keep her moving!

Have a fun day!



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Guest girliejr

Hi Eli, it's Jack here. You know, when I was a puppy, I thought my name was "No-No" too. It turns out, that isn't really my name. I heard that phrase a lot when I was a baby. My alpha Up-right doesn't have to call me that as much anymore, but she still does sometime when I try to eat something that she thinks is gross! How does she know what is gross?? I never see her try the poop...maybe she would like it! All I know is that I like it, but she doesn't let me eat it. :confused:

Welcome to the forum Eli. Good luck at your new home! I'm sure you'll be very happy there!

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Hey, Dawgs! I love hearing from you all! We Cairns gotta stick together. It's 6:30 am here and that Bossy One already has me up and about. Seems she goes somewhere 5 days a week and has to get there in a timely fashion. I prefer to take my sweet time. Lucky for her when I first get up I like to yawn, stretch, and scratch. That gives her time to make a cup of coffee and change out of those ridiculous jammies she wears into something equally ridiculous for our AM walk. I have a new game now: Come and Get Me! Even tho up to this point I always came when she called me. I do it even if I want to do what she's asking. Try it, it's fun! More later, I gotta get some action in before she puts me in that crate again. She's sly with that one, tho. Makes something really yummy so I GOTTA go in to get it. She's tricky.



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post-1050-1126719726_thumb.jpgWoof - Hey Eli. It's your bud Rusty - The oldest trick in the book from the bossy type - treat in the crate. I say "keep your treat, I'll go behind the sofa and hang out for awhile" You know what? I went to the vet the other day - and the tall blonde weighed me - I'd take some bossing from her! Anyway, she hurt my feelings - told me her cat weighed more then me. Can you believe her? It's tough being me........after all that growing and still not big enough. Maybe I should quit the fitness plan my upright has me on. ????
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Hi fellow Cairns! Rusty, I know what you mean about the CATS! I have seen one, but not up close. They are kinda uppity, aren't they. And I bet WE can catch a mouse just as fast as some dumb old cat! There's a lot of fat cats around, so don't go comparing yourself with them. I didn't "get" the point of all these walks the Bossy One takes me on. Sometimes I would just sit my terrier butt down and refuse to budge! HA! She had to carry bits of chicken to lure me along. She smelled just like Colonel Sanders, which was fine with me. I like my walks now, except that 6 AM one. Jeez! It's DARK! Let's go back to bed!



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Welcome, Eli!

About those mice......I about gave my Mommy and Daddy a heart attack over one just last week!

They were too busy to play with me, so I decided to irritate the heck out of them and rang the bell to go out. Of course, they always come runnin' to let me out right away cause I might just decide to pee on the rug if they don't.

Anyway, when I came back in, my uprights again were too busy watching TV to play with me. I sat right at their feet and gave them that STARE....you know the one that makes them go 'aaaawwww, isn't he cute'. Can you tell that I have them wrapped around my little paw???

Well, instead of the expected awwww, my Mommy jumped off the couch all upset because I had blood on my snout. Soooooo what! There was a mouse out in the yard that was teasing me and I let it HAVE it!! It was really fun flingin' that little thing around.

Then my uprights decided that my snout needed to be washed. I don't really mind that too terribly much because I always get a treat afterwards (see how I have manipulated them...hehe!).

Good luck with your mouse hunt, Eli. Maybe you'll earn a treat, too!

Your new buddy,


Cathy and Piper

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