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What a personality!


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Hello All,

Well, after what seemed like forever, we finally got Bailey home on Tuesday. But not without a few complications which caused me to write a nasty letter to American Airlines. To make a long story short. Bailey was there in plenty of time for his flight but somone at AA "forgot to board" him so instead of coming in at two-thirty he came in at four-fifteen, and I had to wait at the airport like a nervous wreak hoping he'd come at all. I felt terrible enough as it was shipping the poor puppy. Well, at least he's here, and he's fantasic. We are just loving him to death.

We took him to the vet for his first check up yesterday and it seems that he caught Kennel Cough, thankfully it's not a terrible case, and he's on antibiotics for a few days.

Other then that I've just loved getting to know him, and see his little quirks. He can be so stubborn, but it's all in the Cairn nature I understand.

Here are some pictures as requested:




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What a sweetie pie!

You must have been going crazy waiting for Bailey! Glad to hear you had a good ending. A complaint to AA is definitely in order.



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That last image should have the caption "Your heart is mine mommy!"

How cute is he!


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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what a sweetie pie! I am sure you are going to have

tons of fun with that little munchkin!


Here is our new baby Maddy, she is 15 weeks now! They grow so quick!


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Bailey is absolutely adorable!!! I would be squeezing the stuffings out of him. The best of luck with Bailey - your life is going to be so full of love.

I have to say that Maddy is so gorgeous and I think she looks like a Cairn "model." Her coloring is absolutely beautiful - and that angelic face!!!

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Bailey sure is a cutie pie! Sorry he had to wait longer than you thought. Enjoy the puppy moments and the puppy kisses!

Maggie sure is cute too...and getting soooooo big!

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I look at all your guys puppy pictures and they are sooooo cute. I am so mad at myself because I am not a picture person because now I have none of Roxie. One thing I want to ask, did all your puppies have so much fur? Roxie did not have any so called "fur" and I thought that was normal. I even asked the breeder and she said that was how they were to look. Mine definately did not look like anyone's that I have see on this forum.

Once again, I am getting puppy fever. No, no, no, I just have to keep telling myself that.

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Oh my! You're little Bailey is so adorable! (And so is Maddy!!!)

I'm so glad to hear your baby's case of kennel cough is mild. Darcy has it right now and honestly, I truly thought she was going to die on Monday night. Make sure you administer the meds because you don't want it to flare up again.

Have SO much fun!!!! And make sure to take lots of pictures (and send them to us). They grow up so fast that it's fun to track their growth through pics.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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You know it is really fun to see the personalities develop in puppies! You have a real cutie!!! I really love the color on Bailey. Maddy is a cuttie too. I love the puppy coats


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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All the new puppys are so cute!!!! I wish I had taken more pics of Savannah while she was little. :( Oh how I want another one!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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