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The meeting of a cat


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We have a cat that lives next door. She teases the dogs by sitting on the top of a wood pile (behind a very tall fence) staring at these crazy dogs that never stop barking at her.

Well, I was collecting tomatoes this morning and I looked down to see the cat by me feet! Finch was about 15 feet away. I watched Finch to see what her reaction would be.

Here she is just seeing the cat for the first time:


She stared at the cat for some time and then started following her (at least I think "it" was a "she"!):


This went on for about a minute until Scout noticed the cat from across the yard. She came running up to the cat, who ran up the fence (of course!).

Here is Scout...look how proud she is that she got rid of the cat!


Here is Finch....wondering what happened to her new best friend:


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Guest girliejr

Finch and Scout are so cute! Everytime I see these great Cairn pics on this site, I wish I could get inside their minds for a moment to see what they are thinking! Too precious!

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Thanks, GirlieJr! I'm just so happy that the cat was soooo much faster than Scout!

*please excuse the sad looking tomatoes on the left!*

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Too cute, I'm gonna have to take my camera out more with me...you all are puttin me to shame!!! Love your babies...hope Dori looks that cute when she grows up.

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Finch and Scout are so good looking ,I hope Rebel is as handsome when he grows up,and your yard looks like doggy heaven.

That cat seems huge,Finch was very brave to get so close :lol: mabey if my cats were that size Rebel would leave them alone :confused:

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I am amazed when out neighbors cat gets in out yard it is all out chase!!! Catch the cat. I love the pictures. I think Scout did good she should be proud


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Finch WAS calm when she saw the cat! I think she was considering coming up to him/her and sniffing her. It might have happened if Scout wasn't there. Finch was slowly walking up to the cat wagging her tail...until her sister took the fun away! LOL!

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The cat Cooper had the opportunity to meet belongs to my sister in law. He had never seen a cat before, but apparently, the cat had seen a dog! Cooper walked up to make friends and the cat took a swipe right across his nose! That was that, and from then on cats were not his friends! I think it was cute how your dog was following that cat...would have been interesting to see what happened when they got closer to each other.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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