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Easy way to help


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I know many of you, like me, are worried sick about the pets left behind by Hurricane Katrina. I understand authorities are having a hard enough time getting the people out, much less worrying about the poor animals left without food and water and trapped in houses. I found out that the Humane Society Of America is doing their own rescues by boat and taking the animals to various shelters. Here's an easy way for us to help by buying a collar similar to the Live Strong bracelets. They are only $2 a piece, so guess what all my dog friends are getting for Christmas. Here is the link:


I hope I dont get in trouble Brad, but I think Cairn lovers want to help all animals in need. :halo:

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I'm not sure, I just tried it and it worked. If you still cant get it, go the American Humane Society's homepage and you'll find it there. Hope it works and thanks for participating! :thumbsup:

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Terrific idea and thanks so much for sharing it with us.

This is really odd that you put this in here at this time. My DH and I were just driving home from dinner out and my cell phone rang. It was a good friend of mine who does a lot of rescue work and volunteers at her vet's. She was absolutely livid because she hasn't seen anything on TV about how people can donate to take care of the animals. She isn't computer savy so I'm her "source" for info. That link you provided is my first start in compiling a list of organizations that are looking for donations, etc. to help the animals.

She has called all the local TV stations asking them why there is nothing on their stations about how to send aid to the rescued animals. I promised her I would take all the websites I find and email them to the TV stations to ask them to advertise the sites to promote more aid for the animals.

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