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Bye Bye Birdie


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Well dang, I went out in the back yard to do poop patrol and saw a birdie on the patio by the feeder. I saw it hop around and kind of hide and I thought it would fly away. Well, I guess it was a fledgling because Elsa snatched it up! I knew I couldnt save it, but I wanted to get it off her. :sick: No Way! She knew what I was up to and she swallowed that thing WHOLE! :devil: Well, I guess that's what comes from owning a hunting dog. I feel bad because it was my feeder that lured it in. Oooh well.

I guess dogs can digest birds, right? :(

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Good thing! I don't wanna clean up birdie barf :shock:

And NOW, she runs out the doggie door at Warp 9 at the merest hint of birds in the yard....hee hee she thinks she's a bad-a## (butt word)! Now if she can train the neighbor cat to keep outta my yard, life will be good!

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Ewwww!!! I don't know if I could clean up bird beak barf off the floor. That would have to be the dh's job!!

I know Elsa was proud of herself! Savannah chases the birds out of our yard but so far she hasn't caught one. Not from lack of trying though.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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A couple of weeks ago, I took Crunch out for his morning potty. He has a thing about eating bugs from the flower bed and he went over and snatched something up in his mouth. It was so early and I could see what he had, but I thought it was a mega long earthworm. I promptly grabbed it out of his mouth, saying..."Get that nasty thing out of your mouth!" Well, later when we make a second trip outside, he goes right for the same spot and I walk over to see the "worm". I immediately freaked out. It was a SNAKE. But I have to say that the whole bird story freaked me out more than a snake snack.

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Eww!! When Darcy was only 2 months old, she found a dead bird at the park. I didn't realize what she was so interested in until I got closer to her. Thank goodness she didn't ingest it!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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We find dead birds/parts of dead birds in our yard all the time. I doubt if Scout or Finch caught them, but they do love rolling in the dead birds...yuck!!!!

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Teona killed a fledgling not too long ago. It really made me sad because I watch them go from egg to babies several times a year. We have morning doves that nest in the backyard every year. I have 2 eggs I'm watching right now.

Teona has also done the dead snake thing....................yuck :sick:

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Guest girliejr

Considering I have a deathly fear of snakes, I should consider myself lucky Jack hasn't gotten a hold of one! I would probably pass out cold and Jack would wonder what happened to mommy? :confused:

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Well, birdie dinner was digested noooo problem, no barf! Thank Gawd is wasnt a snakie-doodle. I am not am not am not afraid of snakes, but uh, it would have totally freaked me out if she had grabbled on. erk.

I have put an x-pen around the area of the bird feeder so no more fledglings get devoured. -_-

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