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Lock down

Tracy A.

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I wanted to share-

Mett & Bratt have recently made 2 escape attempts in the back yard. :mad: One with my husband last Friday, and the other with me this past Sunday- Mett & Bratt felt the need to meet the next door neighboors Rottweiler's :shock: and somehow made it through 2 fences to 'Play' :shock: Thankfully they did not make it into the Rottweiler's dog run. (that stunt took 6 years of my life- 3 a piece) For their own good, we are now in 'Lock Down' mode at my house.

On Monday, hubby and I put together the dog run. We felt very depressed and sad. Eventhough I know the boys don't understand- we did tell them it's only until we finish putting in the Wooden privacy fence and remove the heavy bushes & old chain link fence.


We feel like such bad fur parents :cry:


Because they are diggers, we had to put in the patio stones- and just incase, we added the patio stones at each section corner/connection with a stake to hold it in place. It looks like a super Max facility doesn't it?

Oh well, at least they are safe. :(


Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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And it is definately better to be safe than sorry!

Look at it this way....it's temporary but even if it wasn't, they have each other to play with, they have toys and room to frolick around. And it looks like they have a crate in case they're feeling insecure...definately not bad at all.

I felt guilty because initially my Cairns had full access to our entire backyard...stone walls, grass, gardens to destroy. But because of some predator's unhealthy defecating habits and the fact that I couldn't trust Elliott to come when called after dark (ugh...walking barefoot 10:00 at night in PJ's to find where he's hiding )I felt the need to give them their own confined space and keep my sanity.

I think what you've designed is pretty good so please don't feel like a bad Cairn parent.

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OMG!!!!! What sad sacks!!!!!

Like Kayharley said, it's for the own good and it's only temporary. You're GREAT fur parents for loving your Cairns enough to keep them safe.

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They look pretty happy to me! It won't be long and they are so little right now....plus, you are being a GREAT mom and GREAT dad keeping them safe and sound!

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hee hee looks like Guantanamo Bay! They need orange prison suits!

really, its for the best! and soon they will ahve the whole yard again! GOOD FUR PARENTS!

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Thank you everyone for the encouragement. Hubby and I are still feeling guilty, but the boys are adjusting to the new situation. Yesterday morning I peeked in and their dog house was rocking- they were playing in it-

Looking to the future- I think that we can install the doggy doors so it exits into the Dog Run, when they are old enough to have a bit more freedom while were out. I think I could use x-pens to create the path from the kitchen into the garage.

I've been leaving them in the dog run for increasing amounts of time. My goal is to be able to leave them in there for 4 hours. This way when I come home at lunch I could put them out til I get home from work (weather permiting).

TheScotts- Yes orange collars would be funny!

Thank you once again everyone-

Tracy, Steve, Bratt & Mett

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I agree. They look happy and it is for their own good!! :) But just one of those puppy looks will make you feel SOOOO guilty. They have us trained so well don't they??? :D

I must comment on how cute they are!!! I keep telling my DH that Savannah told me that she wants a sister. He doesn't believe me...

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Tracy, I love the pics. It looks like your going to doggy war! Ha ha! You went to some of the extra proofing that we did to our yard when we got Darcy.

And I too have been trying to convince my husband that Darcy wants a sister, but he is not in agreement. I guess he could be partially right since she does have quite a bit of "only child" syndrome.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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They are so cute! It's definitely better to be safe than sorry. We have a fenced in yard and poured a row of gravel along the bottom to prevent the Cairns from digging out and the possums & armadillo from digging in. I still don't leave mine out alone for any length of time. Fortunately, my 9 yr old loves being my babysitter. :)

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Your "prison" is what our back porch looks like, except that ours has a tent-roof. Wes is protected from hawks and coyotes, and the bunnies are protected from him.

Our enclosure is bigger because it also has chairs. We sit in OUR dog run!


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Guest girliejr

How can something so small make you have so much guilt?! :whistle: You are right, Savannahsmom, it only takes one "puppy look" to feel the guilt!

You guys are doing a great job on the "prision". :lol: They will be thankful for such great pet parents later when they are free to roam about their new and improved back yard!

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ok everyone. I am putting in a "temporary fence" since I do rent. Someone made the suggestion here awhile back. If I check on them every 15 minutes or so, they can't dig themselves out that fast, can they? The tying up with chains is not working because they tangle themselves so bad in one sitting, it takes hours to untangle them. I have tried all kinds.

I know looking at those cuties faces how you must feel like bad fur parents, I would have the same guilt trip. Like everyone said, we have to think of their safety.

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