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Just Sharing Some Pictures


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Hope you don't mind if I put in a couple of pictures of Scully that I just took.

The one of her with her back to the camera is her staring at the box across the street. Just daring hiim to come over onto her turf. No matter how many times I called her she would not budge!

She absolutely LOVES my neighbor next door who is her second "grandmom." They have Scully's best friend - Sheba the Shepherd.

Thanks for letting me share!

***Sorry for the extra letter in my topic - wasn't sure how to get it out :( ****



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Great pics....

Gee, I don't know if I'd mess with Scully after looking at her in the 2nd picture. Of course I know the Cairn's nature...lovable and playful but doesn't she look quite intimidating?

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Thank you Brad!!

This stupid camera doesn't take the picture as soon as you push the button so you never get exactly what you were aiming at. I guess she doesn't look to "smiley" in that picture.

Oh geez....now I noticed MORE typos. Scully was staring at a BOXER across the street - not a box.

I HAVE been typing for 33 years - honest.

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How I laugh at all my edits...mostly because of bad spelling or a typo but I'm embarrassed to leave them.

The utmost humiliation is when you screw up on the edits. :lol:

Scully looks adorable...she just looks like someone who will stand her ground. And "NO!"...she will not end up on a poster that says "Would you hug this dog today?"


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Scully looks so cute! I think she's adorable and I started laughing when I thought you said that she was staring at a box...sounds like something Finch would do....a few weeks ago she was barking at a plastic bag that was moving in the wind next door....lol!

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LOL!! The WORSE, like this thread...is after your time is up and you can't edit it. Then you REALLY look like a dope. Where's my dunce cap???

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Scully is a doll! In the second one I can see her thinking, "Would ya put up that camera so we can GO!?!?"

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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The picture of Scully heading next door is so cute! She is obvioulsy, from the expression on her face, a VERY happy and VERY loved baby!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Love her color! I did think you meant box only because Kai-lee stares down boxes and any plastic bag the wind blows our way....our neighbor 2 doors down just put her house up for sale and when I took Kai-lee out on out front yard last night I couldn't figure out what she was staring down, well it was the real estate sign!

Now if she saw the 2 boxers across the street....that would be tug of war....pulling and running around like a mad woman...barking just having to go and play with the big boys!

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