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Darcy is sick!

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Hi Cairn Friends,

Our poor Darcy has come down with a pretty bad case of kennel cough. No idea how she got it, and yes her shots are current. I understand there are about 7 different strains which the standard vacination does not ward off against all versions.

That all being said, I am writing to you in extreme desperation. We took Darcy to the ER tonight since she was coughing and hacking up flem pretty bad while she was trying to sleep. I figured it was kennel cough, but didn't want to wait til morning in case it was something more serious like pnemonia (sorry for any mispellings... it's 3am my time) Anyway, ER doc. said it for sure is kennel cough. We were given fluid antibodics. Here's the catch, I gave her the first dose... the medicine itself is BRIGHT PINK. So now instead of clear colored flem, she is hacking up bright pink flem all over the carpet. She almost always sleeps in her crate... rare occations she sleeps on the bed with us. She absolutely did NOT want to be in her crate tonight. Obviously she doesn't want to keep on hacking up crap in her crate and sleeping in there. We tried the bed as we noticed she would hang her head over the bed to hack (onto towels on the floor). That worked for about an hour. Now she won't stay on the bed.

I have for the moment left her in the master bathroom where we leave her when we have to go places without her. Safe flooring that we don't care about. Catch is, she has some separation anxiety so she is just crying up a storm.

I'm going to call our regular vet tomorrow and see about cough med to help minimize her coughing. Also, going to see about getting pills rather than this bright pink medicine.

I'm writing in deperation (if i didn't already say that). Again bare with me, I haven't had a wink of sleep and poor little Darcy being sick doesn't help my mental state.

Is there ANYTHING any of you can contribute to helping me out in this situation??? I am looking for ANY feedback/help from ANY of you who have had a similar situation.... ESPECIALLY with the flem issue since that is causing us the most grief. I understand it will go away in 3-5 days, but if the rest of the nights are going to be like tonight I just don't think I can withstand it. Well, I will, but if there is a way to fix/prepare things now I would like to.

Thanks in advance,


Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Oh Kate...I'm so sorry to hear about Darcy. You definately did the right thing by going to the ER and I'd also follow up with a visit to your normal vet who knows Darcy.

None of my Cairns have ever had kennel cough but I remember my trainer saying she never vaccinated any of her dogs for it and would just give them Robitussin if they came down with it. ????

I'm sure your vet can give her something to help with the coughing although it might be best for her to keep bringing that phlem up.

Please keep us updated. I'm sure you're not the only Cairn mommy who's gone through that. It will get better but for now you're just going to have to be Darcy's nurse.

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Poor Darcy! I don't have any advise but I wanted you to know that Savannah and I are thinking about her and praying for a quick recovery. Hopefully, last night was the worst of it and she will be better tonight. Please keep us updated on her condition! :hug:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I'm feeling your anxiety - always so hard to see your loved dog sick. I bet the Robitussin would work well - wondering what your day time vet would recommend?

My first job out of school was as a veterinarian pharmaceutical representative for Johnson & Johnson - and I can validate that most of the products we marketed had been well tested on humans and approved by the FDA. To that point - Robitussin has been on the market for many, many years and is a safe, proven product for cough. I do know that it has a compound which can cause drowsiness upon first few doses - and I've witnessed my children become a little on the hyper side - as more doses were administered. Anway, I'm just passing on my experiences. I'm sure your baby will be back to herself soon. Sending well wishes.



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What about putting her in the bathroom with the shower on for steam?

I know that is recommended for children.

And, yes, Robitussin has been used on dogs but can't recall the dosage.

Please give an update when you can.


Cathy and Piper

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Here is a website about Robitussin DM for Kennel cough:

"...she was about 8 weeks old, she came down with a continuous and

persistant coughing and hacking. I've taken her to our vet and he

recommended using Robitussin DM , two teaspoon before bed time. It seems

to be working, or that she is getting better by herself. We've only given her two

or three days of Robtussin."


This page has a lot of kennel cough info. too.

I hope Darcy feels better soon!

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Scout did not have Kennel Cough, but she did have a bad sore throat once and the vet gave her some Robitussin for her cough. I don't know the amount she was give, sorry. Maybe you could call the vet and see if there is a pill form you can take? I hope Darcy, and you, feel better soon!

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I'm sorry to hear about Darcy not feeling well. Poor little baby - and poor Mommy.

None of my dogs have had kennel cough either however the German sheperd next door came up with it after being boarded at the Humane Society for spaying. I googled it and also came up with the Robittusin to be given to dogs.

We have CVS pharmacies here in Philly and I wouldn't hesitate calling the pharmacy to see if they might actually know the dog dosage. Following up with Darcy's regular vet is the best thing though.

Lots of :pray: going that Darcy is feeling better soon. I know it takes about 5 days to run it's course. Sorry I wasn't much help. :(

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I don't have any experience with kennel cough, so I can't help you there. :confused: But I was wondering if you thought about maybe sleeping in a sleeping bag on your bathroom floor with her to help with her seperation anxiety. I know it would be very uncomfortable for you, but maybe if she doesn't get worked up, then maybe it will help her coughing and you could POSSIBLY get some rest. :huh: The only experience I'm going by is with my human kids! Wish I could be of better help. Hopefully the Robitussin will work!


Sheila - mom of Maximus

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Hello Everyone,

Thank you so kindly for your wonderful and supportive replies... that's sometimes all we need in life just to know that we're all human and that we all can suffer from times.

I ended up sitting in a chair in the bathroom with Darcy the rest of the morning. Unfortunately, I would have loved to sleep on the floor with her, but the hacking up of crud didn't seem to have any specific location for her... it just was everywhere.

We ended up dropping her off at our vet early this morning when they opened. They kept a close eye on her today and did all sorts of tests (xray, cbc, etc). The doctor told us to keep up the BRIGHT PINK antibodics and also prescribed a cough suppresant pill for dogs. She has only had one pill today and I'm very HAPPY to report that she is doing about 50% better this evening. The hacking/coughing has all but subsided. Only a few here and there rather than every 1 minute.

We came home from the vet this afternoon and took a nice 2 hour nap together (me on the sofa, her in her crate). She is eating well (soaking her kibble in water to ease it down her throat) and I have a strong feeling (and hope) that she will be sleeping much better this evening.

So I think last night was indeed the worst of it. Thank you all for everything and your kind words. I will look into the Robittusin infomation, but whateve these pills are seems to do wonders for her!

Lots of thanks you to all,


Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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So good to hear. Hopefully it was a ggod night for you both.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Glad Darcy is feeling better.

When we first brought Bosco home it was the holidays (yes, I know) and he had kennel cough along with his litter mates. We were given antibiotics in liquid form which we administered with a syringe as well as a pill. He wasn't coughing at all, so we didnt have the spit-up problem. Make sure you keep an eye on Darcy - we did a 2 week course and the vet thought that would be enough. 1 1/2 days off of the meds caused my pup to be unable to stand up and I rushed him to the ER where they put him back on meds for another 2 weeks, after diagnosing him with mild penumonia! I didn't realize that sometimes pups need 2 courses of antibiotics, and the vet didnt realize it was so serious. :mad: Anyway, glad she is doing better, but just keep an eye out.

(Sorry I have been offline or I would have replied much sooner!)

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Thanks Milopup! Fortunately, she had a chest xray yesterday and they said she looks completely healthy... but will DEFINITELY keep the eye out.

We ALL got a GREAT nights sleep last night! She is about 80% back to normal, but you can tell that she "knows" that she's not up to par all the way. She's been an angel all day.

Again, you all are so great! Thank you for the encouragement and well wishes! I am SO glad we found you guys and SO glad that Darcy passes for a Cairn in all of your eyes!!! HA HA!


Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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so glad to hear that Darcy is feeling better! I am

also glad you all got some sleep. take care and

give Darcy some hugs from Grilly and Maddy.


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