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More hurricane dogs rescued!


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It's so nice seeing the animals getting rescued. Brad, hope this is ok to post. I'm sure there's a Cairn or two that were rescued. I just thought everyone here would find some comfort w/ these photos.










After viewing these photos, I had to go and give each of my Cairns a hug.


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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May God especially bless those who took the extra time to save their beloved pets. I can only imagine the excess burden they had to carry and the obstacles they had to overcome but they made it.

Thank you for those moving pictures. The one of the soaking wet dog on a leash...rescue # 8? The look on that dogs face moved me to tears. I will pray he and all the others live the rest of their lives in total comfort.

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Cathy, I agree. I've been trying not to pay attention to all the horror stories on the news.

Those pictures really tug on your heartstrings.



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thanks for the pics. I did see an air rescue on tv yesterday where a man was airlifted off his roof and they also placed the dog in the basket with it's owner. I can't stand to think that some dogs and cats were left in their homes with no food or water. :(

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One man refused to be rescued. He didn't want to leave his dog. The rescuer told him he was gonna die if he didn't come with them.

His story was on CNN yesterday. He was floating on a tire with a life jacket on.....jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Great pictures, but they also make me so sad. I saw a story on CNN about the many people that refuse to leave their dogs (I can totally understand that) and they showed rescuers leaving all these dogs trapped on roofs and in trees! I understand that the Coast Guard will not take the animals, but why can't they? We have two huge shelters set up here for the displaced animals. Why can't they bring the dogs to safety on shore where SPCA vans are waiting to transport the dogs? I'm going to try to pose this question to our local news. The thought of these poor dogs starving to death on roofs is haunting me and I can't get it out of my mind.


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Good for you for taking action Thela! I believe that you are an angel in disguise. :halo: Please keep us posted on the answer to your question. Maybe we could start a petition or something to have these animals rescued. Then we you ask the question, you would have a petition full of animal rights supporters backing you up!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Guest girliejr

I live in Dallas, Texas and I know we are taking rescued animals in our local shelters and they are placing them in foster homes (which my roommate and I have signed up for). I don't see why the Coast Guard can't take animals either. In my opinion, they should be saved first! They didn't have a choice to leave or stay like some of their owners did!

The whole thing makes me very sad and I feel the most for the helpless animals who are scared and displaced. I hope and pray that all of these little guys get a new home (even if it is just temporary) very soon!

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I find myself having a hard time watching the news about this situation, but your pictures really lifted my heart, thanks for sharing! I just wish I lived closer, so I could take in some people, or animals and help them get back on their feet.

Thela, let us know what the news media say about your request, ok?

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