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A picture is worth.....1,000 words


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This picture pretty much captures the relationship

between the two so far.....


Grilly the unsuspecting .....Maddy the sneak attacker....

They are so funny to watch!


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That's it!! My willpower is gone....I must have a puppy. :lol:

I can see little Maddy's intentions in her eyes...hysterical! And poor Grilly...posing so nice for the camera.

They are both so gorgeous. Isn't being a Cairn mommy the best?

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OMG, I can't believe that!!!! Grilly looks like "HA HA Mom...wait 'till you see what I'm gonna do to Maddy."

Maddy's looking at Grilly like "Say WHAT?"

Absolutely, positively adorable furbabies.

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Thanks everybody! Yes, I totally love being a cairn mommy.

Maddy is a great pup. She is doing really well. We are all getting in

to a routine. Grilly is so funny with her! When he has had enough

Fun he heads to higher ground (up the stairs, on the ottoman) or

goes into the corner of the room. I ding the bell, and grab Mad-woman.

She hasn't yet figured out that you can stop playing and take a break! :lol:


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Your floors are too clean, and your pups are verrry cute. I forget how little they start out. Grilly looks like a very happy doggy, and boy does the "mad dog" look mischevious!

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OH MY GOODNESS!!!! That picture is SOOOOO worth a 1,000 words!!!!! Too stinkin' funny! You should enter that into some sort of calendar contest. It is so classic!!!! Maddy looks like she might have just made Grilly mad and she's keeping her distance and Grilly looks like he's smiling big saying "ha ha, i got her good!" Of course the sneak attack look is also there. So many things you could imply they are both thinking. Ha ha! Enjoy those two cutie-pies!!!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Thanks everybody. I can't believe how funny these two

are together. Grilly is a little confused by how wild his

little sister can be! ( I am too!) Grilly is so good about

sharing, and Maddy is just the opposite. Hopefully, it is a

puppy thing. If there are 3 rawhides out she will have one

in her mouth, one under her paw and she will sit on the

last one! :huh: Grilly just looks at me like..."Can she do that?"

I will try and get a pic of it....too funny. I talked earlier about

Grilly going to higher ground......


Here is Maddy taking Grilly for a walk! :D


And the last is a classic Mad-woman pose (the Helliott blood coming out! I :wub: Elliott!)



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Such adorable pictures! I looked at them earlier and must have gotten called away and never posted. More Cairns can definitely control your time on the computer. My youngest, Hannah does the same thing w/ treats and toys. Maybe it's a "girl thing" being Hannah is now 16 mths. She loves to hog everything. What's funny, if it's a treat she never chews on it. She just stuffs it under her and doesn't want anyone else having one to enjoy.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Great pictures! We keep thinking about getting a second pup...I always worried about Kai-lee being too rough if we brought in a new puppy...looks by your pics it's the other way around... the young one is the one in control! Love it!

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I think my favorite picture is of Grilly on the top landing(?)...lol! Scout did that alot when Finch was a baby...just to get away!

Finch hoards all her toys and bones too...and Scout just stared at her...lol!

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Marsha (Carolina's Mom)

All I got was the red x too, so I right clicked on the red x and then clicked show picture and then they appeared.

You have to see these pics...they're priceless!

Hope that works for you! :thumbsup:


Sheila - mom of Maximus

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Yes, Grilly is at the top of the stairs. He is taking

a time out! What do you think the munchkins are saying here?


Think they are ganging up on me??? :huh:

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OMG....what a hoot Grilly and Maddy are together!!! You must be in stitches all day watching them. Maddy looks REAL ferocious in that one picture - LOL!

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