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The first time ever I saw your face . . . .


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I've always appreciated what I have, but this Hurricane Katrina really made me feel so blessed to have my family and my precious Cairn girls. I think of all the poor dogs who lost their battle as the waters rose and it brings tears to my eyes. Looking at my Cairns, I realize how in love I am with them and even if I lost every photo of them, they will forever be etched in my mind. I just thought I'd share each of my Cairn girls and the first time I saw their face and fell in love.

This was the first picture I received of Kiara at 3 wks.


Here's Abbey the day we told our dd she was an early Christmas gift.


Hannah was an unexpected offer, but how could I refuse this face?


Dig up some first puppy photos and share with us your first time seeing your pup.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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You are so right, toomanypaws. It sometimes takes a tragedy to realize how well we have it and to appreciate the little things we all take for granted. I often find myself getting frustrated if the computer is acting up and then I think of the people who don't even have a home, never mind a computer!

We are truly blessed and must find a way in our lives to stop and smell the roses. Tomorrow they could be gone!

And now on to the Cairn part of the post...(before Brad gets mad at me)

I didn't have a digital camera when Winnie was a puppy nor when Madison was. But here are two of my favorite Elliott pics when he was little.



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Some of my favorite first puppy pictures of Apollo are saved to disk and in storage. But, these are fun too.



Sorry about the size of the first photo.



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What a terrific discussion! Yesterday while I was watching TV and the evacuations, etc., I kept looking over at my DH and our little Scully and thinking how blessed I am. My husband must have read my mind because all of a sudden he looked at Scully and told her "Scully, if that happened to us Mommy and I will make sure you're safe with us."

Here is the first picture the breeder sent us of the litter. I absolutely fell in love with Scully the moment the picture came up. I knew that the puppy looking proudly into the camera was the one meant to be our little girl.


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Here's Scout at about 10 weeks old.


And here is Finch on her first day home. This is the picture that won the Terrier Contest last Nov.


Sometime I wish they could all stay puppies......but only if they were housebroken...lol!

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here's Teona the first time we went to the breeder to make a deposit on her.

She was a few weeks old


she was so tiny and we fell in love :wub:

here she is after we brought her home


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These pups are soooo cute! ...heres maggie at around 7 weeks and another from two weeks ago that only a pappa could love!hahaha!! ...i caught her in the middle of a big yawn!




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These pups are soooo cute! ...heres maggie at around 7 weeks and another from two weeks ago that only a pappa could love!hahaha!! ...i caught her in the middle of a big yawn!




OMG... what a picture :devil:

kinda looks like a pic I have of Teona. She was sleeping on my chest and was also caught in a yawn...... :whistle:


I think we need to see more pics of all these adorable pups asap :wub:

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This is the first picture that we got from the breeder of Savannah and 2 of her siblings (Savannah is the one with her tongue out) I guess that should have been my sign that she was going to be a brat! :D


Here is one of her by herself in her "one ear up one ear down" stage.


How I miss her puppy days!!!!! Great idea for a thread!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Here is one of our little Crunch soon after coming home to us. I am hooked to reading all the posts and getting great advice on this site! All the baby pics were so cute- I was grinning from ear to ear looking at them.


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Guest girliejr

Oh my goodness!! I love these pics!!! I wish I would have had a digital when Jack was a pup, but all I have are paper pics. :(

If I ever get them put on a disk, I'll post some. I have to admit, Jack was pretty darn cute (after all, I was going to get a cat when I found him! How could I resist a little Cairn face?!?).

Great topic! I love all the puppy pics!!

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