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He's sick :(


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Well, in a very disappointing phone call from our breeder yesterday we learned that the stress from being weaned from his litter gave Bailey a bit of a cold. It's not Kennel Cough though which is good, he's just sneezing a lot, and whiney. The vet told the breeder that he should be good to go with a few more days away from his litter. That being sad the breeder nor myself felt right putting him on a plane and providing Bailey with even more stress, so just when it finally looked like we were coming to the end of our very long and patient wait of adopting a puppy and getting him home, we have to wait a few more days until Tuesday for Bailey's arrival.

I just thought I'd keep you all updated, and I also had a question if this seems normal to any of you. The breeder said there's occasionally a pup that has a hard time adjusting, but I'm just curious if anyone else has heard of this reaction. :confused1:



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I know it's hard to wait, but I think you, and the breeder, made a wise decision in waiting for Bailey to get better before putting him on the plane. Before you know it, he will be wiggling in your arms giving you lots and lots of warm puppy kisses!

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I'm sorry that I don't have any information on this topic. I have to say though, I give high marks to you and your breeder for doing the right thing. Like Shoe said, you'll be getting a lot of puppy kisses that will more than make up for the time you're missing.

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oh... poor baby. I think postponing the trip was a good idea. I don't know about the question you asked???

I do have a funny story about Teona......

Breeder told us the Momma dog was having her first littler. They were unsure about her being a good momma so they took her 3 pupps and placed them with a Shitzu that also had a litter around the same time. Teona's 2 brothers went back to the cairn momma, but Teona stayed with the shitzu litter. I wonder if this is why Teona is such a little "SH!T" sometimes........................... :whistle:

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