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no dogs allowed-sad new article


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I read this today, about the refugees' trip to the astrodome...

Pets were not allowed on the bus, and when a police officer confiscated a little boy's dog, the child cried until he vomited. "Snowball, snowball," he cried.


Is there anyway an organization can hold this boy's dog for him?

Is there a way to contact MARY FOSTER

Associated Press Writer, writer of the article to see if she could locate the dog? I would help pay boarding costs for the dog until the boy can have him again. Is that possible?

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I had to stop watching the coverage today because I could not conceive the intensity of it all.

I am an animal lover, member of the Humane Society, ASPCA and The Wildlife Federation BUT, there comes a time when unfortunately human life has to be put before that of our beloved companions.

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To me, life is life. I contacted someone at N.O.A.H. to see if anything could be done.

The dog isn't going to swipe a seat in the bus, or sleep on a cot meant for a human refugee...

Some animals' souls are better than souls in human skin.

I'm sorry, but this is very emotional for me.

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I have a hard time reading and watching the coverage as well. There are far more many animals that are better than some humans. I can't believe that poor child could be scared for life having his dog taken away from him. So sad and I feel so bad. Very emotional when it comes to animals. Too many people tell me I treat animals better than I do humans but at times I think animals treat us so much better.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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My life is forever changed as I've watched these people live like animals while waiting way too long for food and water. I can't bear hearing another story of how one of the victims left his dogs behind locked in the house only to find out the house was now under water. I also watched a video of two people being rescued off of a roof. Also on the roof was a black Lab mix and he was showing such excitement as his owners were lifted up. The look on his face as the helicopter lifted off leaving him on that roof will haunt me for a long time. On a happier note, a family, who evacuated leaving their dog behind, returned to find their home in Mississippi totally destroyed. Their refridgerator was found floating in the water with their dog on top of it. After two days w/o food or water, the dog was doing fine.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I heard on the local radio station that LSU Agricultural Center here in Baton Rouge has set up a shelter for some of the displaced pets from the NO area. Hopefully, Snowball will end up there. It's all so heartbreaking, it's nearly unbearable for me.


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I hope no one misunderstood my post....the last thing I wanted it to sound like was heartless!

I find more joy and contentment with my animals than I do with many humans. They love unconditionally but I could also understand the authorities who are trying to maintain order amidst the turmoil and death surrounding them. This officer was probably given orders that had to be followed. If he made an exception for this poor little boy and his dog, what would happen when the next victim wanted to bring his German Shephard? Do you see where I am going with this?

Like most others watching this horror, I've cried many times over the past few days. I know I would never have left my animals behind no matter what....even if that meant dying with them. My heart goes out to that poor little boy and I'm going to think that his little dog was saved. I do not want to think any differently.

Again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone because that was not my intention. I had just heard how a 6 month old baby had died because of dehydration. It's emotional for me too.

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I can not read the article. I'm at the point where I can't even watch anything about Katrina on television.

I can't believe the USA government is letting this happen. It just sickens me.........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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The logistics of getting these people rescued has to be bigger than any problem we've come up against, I doubt our goverment is "letting" it happen. I'm sure they're very frustrated and working hard at it. And then you have the armed thugs shooting at rescue workers....what are they thinking!!! The officials were begging people to evacuate while they had time, it's so sad they didnt listen.

I think the best thing we can do is donate to animal resuce organizations to help them help get all their pets out of harms way. I'm going to Petsmart today to donate.

Kayharley, i dont think anyone took your post wrong, dont worry about it.

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It is all so very sad for the familys and animals there. I find myself feeling so guilty that I am sitting here at work, eating a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, working on a computer in an air conditioned building and will drive my car tonight to my home, pet and husband while some of the people there have not had a bath for a week and have no idea where there family members are or where their next meal will come from. It hurts my heart to know that there are good people there who are now fearful for their lives not because of the hurricane but because of other people who are making the situation even more horrific. My heart and prayers goes out to all who have been affected by this storm. I am making my donation today. I wish there was more I could do...

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Kayharley, I'm sure no one took your post the wrong way. It is just a horrible, emotional situation. I just keep praying for all living things there. I too am feeling very guilty for my life going on as usual when so many are so miserable. We are making a donation also through our church. Where can we make a donation for the animals affected?


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Brad, this is very : :offtopic: so I understand if you don't allow the post.

I can't work the quotes function! But I had to respond to one post stating that people now should have evacuated and didn't listen. According to ANYTHING I have read dealing with the evacuation crisis, the worst part of this flood hit the poorest neighborhoods, people who may not had had resources or transportation to even get out. So it is a little more complicated than just assuming everyone could just leave.

Also, heaven knows things have indeed deteriorated into complete lack of public order. I feel as if I am watching a third world country disaster too, and some incredible lawlessness. But please don't forget the people at the convention center have been without assistance --water, food, and help in getting away from the flooded area -- since the hurricane -- about 4 DAYS now. I am sorry, but I don't agree that the federal authorities are trying as hard as they can; I think they have completely dropped the ball. They had better catch up or this thing is going to get beyond anyone's ability to help.

On topic: I saw the story about the poor little boy and his dog. All those poor people. It makes you want to cry.


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I have to agree with one of my less favorite politicians who said basically... if we have done so badly with a disaster that we had 4 or 5 days advance warning to prepare for, what does it say about our ability to deal with a true terrorist attack on a massive scale?

Given the advance warning they had on this, why didn't they start preparing supplies and relief before it hit? Seems like we should have some regional stockpiles that are set up for delivery at the drop of a hat when something like this happens along with delivery plans in place. :confused:

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:offtopic: Kayharley, I understood what you said. I so agree w/ you, Ballast. :thumbsup: Being it still is hurricane season and the weather predicted alot of hurricanes, you would think supplies would be on hand to distribute ASAP, not 4 days later! :mad:

Being this is the Cairn Forum and I don't want to see us upset Brad, here is a link to a forum strictly discussing Hurricane Katrina:


Just remember, don't spend too much time there and forget about the #1 forum, which is right here! I can only read and post my opinion about the hurricane for so long, but I could never stop sharing about my Cairns and reading about yours. :wub:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Today I took 3 boxes packed with food, clothes, blankets, comforter, hygiene products and a huge bag of dog food to our hurricane donation center. I even put a couple large rawhide bones in.

Ballast, you've made a good point....care to run for office? :whistle:

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I've just got back from buying a monster roll of batting to make as many baby quilts as I can, and am clipping a beanie to each one of them. It will make me feel better to do something, anything.....

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pepandfriend's mom I feel like screaming and am so frustrated, just as you. I couldn't have said it better then you have. They are treating these people worse than the third world nations, at least there was immediate response for them.

Where are the animal donation places located? I would like to place a donation for man's best friend.

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I registered there and I don't see any threads re:hurricane?



Sorry about that, forgot you had to register. I thought the link I posted would take you right to it. It's under Private Forums, then scroll down to Up to the Minute. :)

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Hi, I am sure this has probably been posted before, but here are three websites of organizations that are taking hurricane donations for animals:

http://www.hsus.org (Humane Society of U.S.)


http://www.aspca.org/ (American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

http:www.petfinder.org/disaster/ This is Petfinder. I am including it too because it has some updates on relief efforts by different animal welfare orgs.

Thanks, Sudelu 29, for your comment. I just think the U.S. can do so much better than this.


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Hmmm....registered for some "Websleuth Crimes"?? Think I am in the wrong place, Beth.

Do not see any private forums??



Cathy and Piper

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Here is the address to send a donation to Louisiana State Univ. where they are housing the pets lost/displaced by the storm and a link to their website. I pray Snowball has been taken there. I'm sending them a check today.


Financial donations are being accepted to fund the animals

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They showed the shelter they have created on our local news last night. I'm going to be volunteering on Monday. The cairns that I was possibly going to foster don't need my help now, so I will be offering to foster some of these dogs. It'll feel good to be actually helping.


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That's wonderful, Thela!!

Sure wish I was closer so that I could volunteer, too.

Please keep us updated.


P.S. Could you do me a favor when you get there and ask if we can send supplies, food etc. to that same address??

Cathy and Piper

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